Monday, 21 March 2022
How to Chair Meetings
Friday, 4 March 2022
Healing is the art of transference of power. It is extremely ancient, and existed in all ancient cultures and societies. The healer is a person who links to this power through a variety of means, sometimes through touch, sometimes through the mind alone. Animals and children and those who are in a coma can receive healing and anyone, even non believers can receive it. During the healing time, you might feel something, or you might not. If your don't feel anything it does not mean that the healing hasn't worked. The experience is usually relaxing and requires nothing of you. You could even be elsewhere or might not even know that healing is being sent to you. Sometimes, only one session is required, sometimes many sessions. No one can guarantee that healing works, or how it might work. Often results are not what are expected. Healing is not an 'instead of' treatment your doctor will provide, but a 'complimentary' treatment which is in addition to your doctor's advice and recommendations. Many healers do not charge money for their healing expertise and time. You can discontinue your healing sessions whenever you wish. Many healers are trained and registered and abide by particular conditions and codes of conduct.
One of the best books on the subject of healing is ‘Healing Into Life and Death’ by Stephen Levine. Stephen has many years of experience working with people with many types of illness. He is a counsellor and meditation teacher, and has worked extensively with terminally ill patients in the Hanuman Foundation Dying Project where he is a director, and has also worked with prominent specialists, such as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.