Friday 24 February 2023

Kabbalistic Creation Story

This is a Kabbalistic creation story told to me many, many years ago. I hope I recall it OK. In order to be true to my teacher, the word “man” means here, both men and women, and all angels are described as male.

It begins at the time when God had created the heavens and our planet, and had finished creating human beings who worshipped him day and night. One day, he called his angels to him. God doubted, and said sadly, 

“Man worships me, but only because he knows no other God. Without freedom to worship an alternative, how can I be sure my beloved people, truly love me?”

All the angels were puzzled and God said “Call forth Lightbringer, the greatest of my archangels”. And the Lightbringer came forth. And God said to him,

“How do I know that Man truly loves me and no other?” 

The Great Lucifer could not answer.  God then said, 

“Lucifer, my very best and brightest archangel, YOU must oppose me and turn man’s heart and mind against me. I will know that my people, the greatest of my creation, truly love me because they will do good and stand by me and not attend to your wishes”. 

Lucifer was shocked. “I could never oppose you My Lord and Master, I could not turn Man’s heart against you. You are my Lord and Master.” “Yes, Lucifer!” God said, “This is what I command you to do!”

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Get Your Oracle Cards Published

These are the key points of the Get Your Oracle Cards Published workshop :-

Sending your proposal to a publisher:  

If you have a name, a pen name, a website name, a Facebook name, an unregistered business name, etc. etc., I suggest you use one professional name only, and the best name is your real name as this is the only one you want on your royalty cheques. Put all your eggs in one basket under your real name where publishers and others can quickly find you! Publishers invest in their clients, and will research you! I heard of one case where a very good deck was turned down because the person had been working as a telephone line card reader at the same time as working the sex lines! 

Thursday 16 February 2023

What is Spiritism?

In Poughkeepsie, New York State, in 1847 an uneducated faith healer and medical seer, Andrew Jackson Davis, wrote an autobiography entitled ‘The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations’. In this book, he described his very remarkable channelling mediumship abilities which he had discovered whilst experimenting with the techniques of Franz Mesmer whose early work, entitled ‘animal magnetism’ was being modified, resulting in the discovery of ‘intentional somnambulism’ an early word used for ‘trance’. He was in touch with intellectuals in the spirit world, such as Swedenborg and Galen and he went on to write fifty books on education, health, politics, psychology and philosophy. Within a short time, in Hydesville, a local town in New York State, two young sisters, Margaret and Kate Fox reported strange knockings and rappings. These developed into a code that revealed - it is said - that a peddler had been murdered and buried in the cellar of their home! An excavation revealed some bones and the previous owner of the property, Mr Bell, was accused of murder on acount of this. 

Tuesday 14 February 2023

A reading from the Star Tarot

Card number 6 from the Star Tarot is titled The Lovers and here it is given a subtitle of 'The Sacred Marriage' and 'The Healing Union'.

The Lovers is a complicated and multifaceted key. The traditional ideas surrounding it deal with adolescence and sexual discovery, free will, empowerment, making choices and forging bonds. The modern approach takes these aspects and unites them with one's inner mascline and inner feminine to create a balanced personality. Internal struggles betwen dualities can create negativity that projects outwardly ie if there are polarities in the inner life then there will be conflicts in outer relationships. Love sensuality and sexuality can be very transformative if we are aware of our patterns and create a place of balance from which to relate. A loving and committed union with another person can increase one's understanding of life, creation, and renewal, bringing both partners closer to their soul self and one with the Divine. The Lover's card's gift is emotional healing from the sacred marriage within that brings a solid loving relationship into your life and into the life of your partner. 6 is the number of balance, harmony, completion, integration and transformation. These gifts are not automatic but need to be created through attention, understanding and commitment of both parties.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Who Stole the Witch's Bowl? - A Story

I was celebrating Beltane 1996 at The North Lodge, Monks Walk, Waverley Lane, Farnham where I was told this extraordinary story that I wrote down that night. When Dr Kathleen Anne Ball read the story on Facebook, she was captivated yet saddened by the ending at first, but then realized, one was free to create any ending they’d like, so she did:

In the sixteen hundreds - so this ancient tale relates - a lone woman, gripped by appalling poverty, strayed onto the Waverley Estate and there took shelter in the ivy covered cave. She had no known family and hence no persons or property to protect here in her infirmity, and gossip quickly arose about her mysterious past. In the local inn, the farm folk spoke in hushed tones, saying that she was a witch who had murdered her husband and children, and that she carried the plague as a punishment for her sins. Within days, farm hands drove her from the cave, accusing her of blighting their crops. Children threw stones at her, many causing open wounds that failed to heal. Warts spread across her unwashed face and lice tormented her days and nights, and she thought maybe their taunts were true. She gleaned what she could from the footpath verges, collecting hazel twigs to make a broom to sweep away the leaves from the entrance to her den within a hedge of thick hazel. A small cat took shelter with her and they huddled together for warmth and companionship. Occasionally, the cat brought a gift of vermin, frog or bird to add to her gruel and prevent total starvation. Her comb broke under her matted hair and her skirt became torn and tattered exposing her scratched legs. The humiliation of such deprivation and her solitary situation gave her much distress. She longed to attend St Andrews church but she had no clothes, money or status, so she watched from afar and she got to know the townsfolk and those who worked and raised their family and livestock in the surrounding hills. She knew the fancy lives of the Lord and Lady who owned the great estate, though she would never trespass on their extensive and rich pastures or she would have been shot by the gamekeeper without question. One evening, she collected earth from the Downs that she fashioned into a small vessel and in this bowl she collected water from the river. Over a small fire, built of fallen twigs, she warmed meagre fayre. In the cold and dark abode she kept a few windfallen fruits which fermented and made a drink to aid sleep - for the pain in her bones was fierce and sleep was always fitful.
