Wednesday 18 November 2020


The origin of playing cards goes back more than a thousand years to ancient China. They were carried by traders and travellers, soldiers and pilgrims through Mongolia to the Middle East and then into Europe. Cards provided games of chance, skill and entertainment and they developed as they passed from one hand to another. The casting of lots with sticks, bones and dice was common throughout many cultures and cards became yet another way to give advice.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Medicine & Spirituality Congress Review

I had the pleasure to attend the 2nd British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality and would like my readers to know about the conference.

Tim Wheater is a New Age musician and he delighted us with an enchanting opening to the conference.  The speakers came from many disciplines; psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, researchers, medical doctors and scientists. There were six from Brazil and three from the UK. The auditorium was filled with people from many nations, including Ireland, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden. Many Spiritists attended because the Brazilian speakers are all practicing Spiritists, a faith aligned to Spiritualism. Spiritism is highly popular in Brazil where there are many automatic writing mediums and inspirational speakers. They have entire hospitals that are based on Spiritism, a religion that accepts life after death and that spirits want to contact us. It is based on channelled answers to questions which were posed and codified by Allan Kardec, a French educator of the mid eighteen hundreds. These teachings explain where we come from, what the purpose is of our existence, and where we go after physical death. Also explained are other factors, such as spirit possession and how to protect the self against psychic attack.

Monday 9 November 2020

Introducing Avril Price

VRIL PRICE is a TAROT MASTER, TEACHER AND CONSULTANT : "As several years have come and gone and whilst there are things that have not changed much since my last interview, much is different. I would like to think that in those intervening years, I have risen to the challenge of self discovery and progressed and accomplished many things. This notion would be important to me because I sincerely believe that we are all Magicians and we create the right circumstances to manifest our own fortunes. Indeed, we can take that idea one step further and consider that we co-create with the universe to bring about the life we want to live. I have discovered from my consultations that the tough bit is having a vision in the first place, so part of my work with clients is to encourage a realistic and achievable idea or goal and to have insights into their own story to enable quality life choices that will construct positive and productive life styles.
