Friday 23 December 2022

Words - A Collection

Martin Buber retells a story of a Rabbi, who on his deathbed is asked if he’s ready for the world to come. The Rabbi replies with a hearty yes! as he will not be asked “Why were you not Moses?” he will only be asked “Why were you not yourself?” 🌟

The epitaph on the gravestone of Howard Carter reads:  May your spirit live, may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes, sitting with your face to the north wind, your eyes beholding happiness”. This is a quotation from the Wishing Cup of Tutankhamen, and “O Night, spread your wings over me as the imperishable stars.” 🌟

For everything there is a season…. Rewritten! 🌟

For everything there is a season, A time for action and a time to be passive, a time to be together and a time to be alone, a time to fight and a time to love, a time to work and a time to play, a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to confront and a time to withdraw, a time to speak and a time to be silent, a time to hurry and have time to wait. 🌟

Wednesday 21 December 2022

The Holy Land

Many mysteries surround the antiquity of the Holy Land. Sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is the most fought over piece of land in the world!

Where is Mount Sinai?

Sir Colin Humphreys is a Cambridge University academic who questioned the position of Mount Sinai, the place where Exodus states that Moses heard the voice of God from the burning bush and was given the 10 Commandments.

Tuesday 13 December 2022

Forecast Reading

From the Soulful Woman Oracle Cards by Shushann Mousessian and Gemma Summers, I have chosen:

Boundaries. “Boundaries are necessary and we all have them. They keep us safe and healthy, and without them, we are in danger. The reading states: "My boundaries are like energy doors that help me manage my life. At times, I have the doors open , inviting in blessings from others and my environment. At other times, I need to close them in order to replenish my energies, nourish my creativity, and defend my well-being. I feel good about having boundaries and for being able to say "No Thanks" because I know when I say "No" that I am expressing an important aspect of myself as a person. Having clear boundaries allows me to protect myself, nurture my intentions, and follow my true self. Boundaries are an essential part of self care. Affirmation - My clear boundaries allow me to protect myself, nurture my intentions and follow my true self."

Dream Interpretation

Each night, we have many dreams but we only remember the most important ones! If you would like a dream interpreted on these pages, please describe your dream and send it to us. Your name will not be used as we use only an initial. 

Dear Wendy

I have had a strange dream where I am dancing in circles with a beautiful little girl with a crown of gold on her head.  It is really weird.  Any feedback would be appreciated. P
