Monday 28 February 2022

How to write a book review

A book reviewer's agenda has one aim - to help a purchaser to choose the best book for their requirements.

Every publication has standard presentation information which includes:

Author’s name
Published by:
Paperback price: Kindle price: 

The number of pages:
Images, if any:
Author’s or publishers website:

Tuesday 15 February 2022

2022 Year of the Water Tiger

1st February 2022 New Year’s Day

 2022 is the year of the Tiger. The colour for this year is orange.

Chinese Astrology

China was one of the earliest civilisations with many quality items, such as silks and fine pottery, traded via the 4,000 miles of the ‘silk route’. Chinese astrology was first recorded in writing about 2,500 years ago and would have been taught in the caravans and camel trains across Asia to Eastern Europe. Like many astrology signs, there are 12 annual Chinese constellations. They are all animals. There is a traditional story that the Jade Emperor called for all the animals of the country and told them they must race each other to the Heavenly Gate in the sky. Rat awoke very early and on his way, he encountered a swift flowing river. Then he noticed Ox about to cross and so he jumped into Ox's back. The lumbering Ox crossed the river easily and so Rat jumped off and won the race because he was cunning. Ox was second because of his diligence. Tiger came third, then Rabbit. Both are fast and competitive, but Tiger was a better swimmer. Rabbit got across by hopping on stepping stones and a floating log. The stunning Dragon was fifth and was immediately noticed by the Jade Emperor, who wanted Dragon's son to be sixth. But Dragon's son wasn't there that day and Snake heard this and said Dragon was his adoptive father; so Snake ranked sixth. Horse and Goat then arrived because they were kind and each let the other go first. The Jade Emperor saw how polite Horse and Goat were and ranked them seventh and eighth. Monkey had fallen behind but he jumped between trees and stones, and came in ninth. Last were Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Finally, all twelve arrived to become esteemed guards of the Heavenly Gate. Each year is devoted to the twelve in this order. Added to these annual animal constellations are the yin and yang polarities and five elements of metal, water, wood, fire and earth. 

Thursday 3 February 2022

Divine Complement - An Extract

The Spiritual Terrain of Soulmate Relationships by Ariadne Green, published by Palm Leaf Press.


Extract: The meeting of Divine Complements can be a magical event that points a couple directly toward each other’s heart and to the memory of an earlier soul-to-soul connection. The attraction goes beyond a biological urge to mate and procreate and is more than a chemistry of sniffs and smells and sex appeal. It also goes beyond the reasoning “He or she suits me,” in which case we are fulfilling a personal ideal.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Spiritism and Conference Review



Movement began in France and spread to Brazil

Movement began in US and UK

Mediums communicate with named spirits in the spirit world

for moral guidance and spiritual instruction often received by ‘automatic writing’

Mediums communicates with family and friends in spirit world for ‘proof of survival’ often delivered by platform mediums to a church congregation

Uses non-contact healing

Uses contact healing

Believes in reincarnation

Does not believe in reincarnation

Mediumship training, healing and spirit release is offered to suitable applicants without cost

Frequently raises money for charities through psychic suppers and other fundraising activities

Beginnings of spirit contact: Contact with spirits, angels and demons are mentioned many times in the Old and New Testament. Most religious movements have started with a medium receiving a message from a deity, angel or spirit of some kind.
