Monday, 3 March 2025

The Holy Land

Many mysteries surround the antiquity of the Holy Land. Sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is the most fought over piece of land in the world! Where is Mount Sinai? Sir Colin Humphreys is a Cambridge University academic who questioned the position of Mount Sinai, the place where Exodus states that Moses heard the voice of God from the burning bush and was given the 10 Commandments.

He began his quest in 1995 and he took as his source the Old Testament. Moses led the Israelites from oppression in Egypt, on a long journey through the desert to the Promised Land. Whilst on the journey, they were pursued by the Egyptian Pharoah. The Red Sea was their final escape, as Moses parted the water for his people, the Pharaoh's army was drowned. Sir Colin tells us that the Red Sea was, in fact, the Reed Sea, the Gulf of Acaba, where Solomon built his ships, and from there, Moses led his people to follow a pillar of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night. Whilst lost in the wilderness of the Arabian Desert, suffering thirst and great hardship, his people rebelled, they made a pagan calf god of gold to worship and threatened Moses. He struck a rock with his staff and water flowed from the crust of the rock. How could this be? Sir Colin suggests that Mount Sinai was a volcano, Mount Bedr, a mountain where a vast amount of water is stored in the rock. Sir Colin is still waiting to research the area to find out whether the volcano was active in ancient times.

Jacob's Pillow! We read in the bible that Abraham's grandson, Jacob, goes into hiding after cheating his brother Esau. Whilst in exile, he lies down to sleep, placing his head upon a rock for a pillow. There he dreams a wonderful dream of regeneration from his situation. He sees a stairway that leads to heaven with angels of power and protection. He erects the stone and calls the place, Bethel, a word meaning, God's House. Adrian Gilbert has conducted a quest to follow the story of the stone. The Assyrians invaded the area of Bethel where the Tribe of Dan lived, in 720 - 680BC. These sailors and traders could have taken their holy stone with them when they left. They took with them their young princess. Did they sail to Ireland, which was rich in gold and silver? There is the story of the Tuatha de Daanan and a mysterious figure who arrived in Ireland with an Eastern princess and holy relics, such as a harp, a chest and a stone, 
700 - 685BC. 

It could have been taken by Mellitus to the Egyptian coast of the Mediterranean. He is said to have owned a stone known as the Pharaoh's Stone. It could have travelled through northern Africa and through Spain, or on a long sea journey to Ireland to become the Lia Fel Stone upon which the kings of Ireland were crowned at Tara for a thousand years. The stone left Ireland in 500AD for Scotland where the Scottish kings were crowned and it is now known as the Stone of Scoon. Then in 1296, Edward I brings the stone to Westminster Abbey as the Stone of Destiny which is housed under the throne. 

There is a legend from the time of Bede that tells us that the British are Gods chosen people, and that they are the spiritual successors of the ancient Jewish people. This could be related to the ownership of the stone, originally known as Bethel upon which our kings and queens are crowned. Though the stone has been analysed, it is inconclusive where it originated. It is certainly very ancient, and what we now see could be a replica of the original. Who knows. It is a fascinating story. 

Did the Walls of Jericho Fall?

Dr Bryant Wood is an American academic, once a nuclear engineer who retrained as an archaeologist after being given a book on the Bible's history. He specialised in Canaanite pottery. He studied Joshua's attack on Jericho, a walled city in a fertile plain, the most ancient continually inhabited city in the world. After 40 years in the desert, Joshua is the successor after the death of Moses as leader into the promised land. Firstly he must cross the swollen Jordan river to conquer Jericho. Perhaps an earthquake caused a landslide upstream, or maybe the Israelites blocked upstream with rocks, but they crossed and gained entry by stealth into the guarded city. Jericho is on a fault line and earthquakes can occur. Dr Wood examined the walls and the pottery and conducted dating tests. It would appear that the biblical story and the archaeology give rise to the possibility that the walls fell, that a fire took place but that grain stored in pottery jars that have been found show the story was true. Article by Wendy Stokes for Psychic World

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