Wendy: I
have had a strange dream where I am dancing in circles with a beautiful little
girl with a crown of gold on her head. It is really weird. Any
feedback would be appreciated. P
Dear P: There is an Otherworldly aspect to your dream which has a quality of freedom, sensitivity and gentleness and is rather like a delicate young girl before self-consiousness or responsibilities set in. The crown of gold is a wish to return to a time of innocence and purity of thought - a time of true caring and openness to love and be loved. It must be your goal to create this sincerity in your life. As an adult we cannot avoid responsibilities and commitments and must face up to truth and fight for justice. This is an intelligent adult’s task as it requires experience of life, courage and maturity. Recognize the preciousness of youth and the importance of innocence and grieve for a world that has lost its spiritual path.
Wendy: Last
night I was troubled by a dream. I tried to speak but the sentences came out as
gibberish. The harder and louder I tried, the more garbled my words
became. P
Dear P: This dream relates to faulty communication and a
difficulty in explaining yourself when things really matter to you - especially
in relationships - and how difficult it is for us all to express appropriate
feelings, words and actions in our life.
I would suggest four action steps. The first is to write
down what you would like to say to each important person in your
life. If you could only say one sentence to each, what would it be?
The second is to have courage and say these words kindly and
calmly. The third is to write down what you think each important person
would like to say to you, what are their needs, wants and expectations of you.
Next write down what you would like them to say to you.
These are the people you need to focus on: family members, friends, work colleagues, social acquaintances. Give it a try, P, your life circumstances will improve as a result
of these actions.
Dear Wendy: I hope you can help me interpret
a recurring dream that has some slight variations but the theme is always the
same. Even though we have stable home and finances, I dream that we need to
relocate. Instead of 'buying up' we're buying a smaller, older and less
desirable home. In some cases, the house has no garden, in other cases,
the kitchen is very dated with an old refrigerator that has no ice maker, etc. Prior to these, I have had dreams about members of my family
who are floating down a river. They tell me they are looking for a new home
because their current one was flooded (or some other disaster). I am concerned these dreams are precognitive of an economic or
other disaster. What do you think? T
Dear T: I think these are anxiety dreams rather than precognitions. After
a period of hardship, perhaps whilst growing up in a family where there was not
much money for luxuries, you do not fully register your good fortune or perhaps
your wealth is not perceived as permanent. Your concerns for the future cause
you to be subconsciously worried.
Sometimes, a person describes a dream and I have the feeling that
there might be life issues from past lives (you might not believe in past lives
but it is a common belief when explaining inexplicable dreams). This occurred
to me when I read your dream description. The resolution to past life issues is
similar to recognizing historical or inherited family patterns that might cause
you to have reduced enjoyment of your present life. Affirmations are necessary
to contradict the injunctions that are causing the dreams, try ‘in our
family... we recover well from disaster’ ‘We are strong and quickly get back on
our feet’ ‘We are resourceful and can manage to cope with anything’. If you fully
appreciate the pain of the past and the immense difficulties that people can
endure when they have to, you can move on to use your finances in a way that is
neither wasteful nor frivolous.
Dear Wendy: I am moving all over the
country with a group of construction workers. We are living in nice
hotels. I feel very safe. They are like my family, the brothers I never
had. We are wearing tool-belts and harnesses and some sort of
tether. Whilst I was walking in the street the next day, I saw temporary
employment agency personnel who are dressed as in my dream. I was
startled. PH
Dear PH: This dream is very positive.
You are making progress on your life path and have built a community of
trustworthy and caring colleagues around you whom you trust. You have excellent
support and are working towards a good outcome and happy lifestyle. However,
you have two difficult issues that reflect anxiety. The first is that your
commitment to this work reduces your ability to pursue other avenues and you
find this frustrating. For every decision we take, we lose something, our life
on the earthly plane is restricted and finite and we cannot have it all! The
other is that you could lose everything that you have created and this would
cause you considerable sadness. We must appreciate the wonderful things that
life offers and give thanks, despite, or perhaps because of, its impermanence.
Dear Wendy: I recently lost my mother at the time when I was very ill. I missed the
funeral due to a long hospitalization. I had a dream that I was talking to a
much younger version of my mother, perhaps she was 30 years old. She tried to
answer my questions but her replies were all nonsense and unintelligible
gibberish. I was very upset, even frantic. P
Dear P: The dream describes the difficulty one experiences when we have been
unable to say our final goodbye to our mother - the person who carried us in
her body, bore us, toilet trained us, taught us to speak and to walk, to use a
knife and fork, to love and to become then to be independent of her guidance.
You would have liked to ask her questions, about her life, and yours, ancestry
and the life of other family members, but were unable to do so. Perhaps there
was a final message of love she wished to impart to you, but you were unable to
hear these due to being unwell and unable to travel. There are immense sadnesses
in our life, and this is one. Grieve for what is lost. Wisdom can be found in
many places and will be part of your life search to grieve for, and find, what
is lost to you.
Dear Wendy: There is a grey
mist. I see it from a side view. All around it is blackness.
It becomes the side view of dog. I then go in through the mouth and
come out through the top of its head. Looking straight at me is
the face of a black wolf. I don’t feel any fear. Then, I'm running
through a forest, end of dream. E
Dear E: Something almost out of awareness has
suddenly confronted you. It is natural and you should not be concerned about
it. The matter was there in the background of your mind but lacked clarity. It
pertains to a social matter that you could have avoided, but ‘took the bull by
the horns’ as they say, and with caring, courage, loyalty and intelligence, you
dealt with the situation. Dogs, like their older, wilder cousins, the
wolf, have a complex social structure. It is hierarchical and the strongest
care for the weak, elderly and young ones of their pack. The blackness is
the unknown, the grey mist, dawning realisation. Even though this might be
quite disconcerting, you are able to enter the situation through the most
dangerous place, the mouth of the dog and to access its place of
intellect, the head. The wolf, is the wilder aspect of the dog but does
not attack or frighten you. The running through the forest shows you are
fit and able to look after yourself in any environment, even a
hostile one. Use the affirmation: I am stronger than I think.
Dear Wendy: I am looking out
of my bedroom window. Below are a group of giants. They are standing around as
if waiting for something. They remind me of a painting with slightly comical
overweight characters. The women have high heels and their fat feet bulge out
of them. They have very round faces but are not frightening. A male
giant looks up at me and says, “I cannot breathe!” I want to help but do not
know how. Then he says fatefully, 'It’s coming!” I hear what sounds like a
loud rushing wind coming in my direction. I feel this will help his breathing,
then the dream ends. J
Dear J: You have many opportunities
presented to you but you are vacillating and reluctant to make a definite decision.
The path you most want to take is going to be hard work and the people - though
artistic - are a little unfashionable for you to be able to identify with them.
You will need to relieve someone else’s difficult situation and will be forced
to join the crowd. A male might ask for your help which you might not be able
to provide, but it will herald a beneficial change. All will be well.
Freud is described as the “Father of Psychoanalysis’, and he said the
examination of dreams is the “Royal Road” to self discovery. Carl Jung, who
studied dreams from a spiritual perspective, coined the word “archetype”, a
word which describes common dream images, such as the ‘divine child’, the ‘wise
one’ and the ‘hero’. He considered that these dream images originate in the
“collective unconscious”, a repository of concepts, emotions and desires that
are outside our general conscious awareness, yet brought into awareness through
our nightly dreams. Ordinary experiences of new beginnings, losses,
responsibilities and relationships affect us all, and we replay the events of
the day during sleep with symbolic situations, people, places, events and objects.
out: We spend a third of our life sleeping. If we live until we are sixty years
old, we have spent twenty years asleep. One way to make the most of this time
is to keep a dream diary, and to have our dreams interpreted by a specialist.
Wendy: I am driving in my car; the fan belt is slipping – the car might stall. I’m
driving quite fast and I feel a sense of overwhelming embarrassment. HR
HR: In
your dream, your unconscious mind has used your car to symbolise the vehicle
you use in life to get from A to B. It is a reference for your need to slow
down, to be consistent, to run smoothly and reliably. Watch your energy levels,
seek advice about health matters and take nothing for granted. Explore your
options. Anxiety exists to guide and protect us from harm. Examine your
emotions and be aware when they are inappropriate. Question the way you
consider your status as a worthwhile person and how valuable you are to
yourself and others. Meditate on driving carefully on a calm country road in a
well maintained vehicle. Use the affirmation: I do not feel ashamed when I have
committed no wrong.
Wendy: I had a metal detector and was digging on the beach when I found a chest of gold
coins. Could this come true? PF
PF: Try
it and see! Time spent by the seaside is most enjoyable and it is amazing what
might be found there. Make sure you do nothing illegal though. I think your
unconscious mind is directing you to uncover the riches that are buried in the
heart! Meditate on generosity and kindness. Use the affirmation: Beauty,
freedom and love are beyond price.
Wendy: I
am standing on a balcony, the air is warm and there are soft lights. Suddenly,
I am flying in the night sky. The stars are above me and I am sucked up so I
become part of them and they are all around me. I feel I am part of the pattern
of the constellations. TL
TL: This
is an amazing dream of unity and power. It describes a period where your spirit
is uplifted to the Heavens. It is offering you great freedoms and pleasures.
Perhaps others have elevated you with special attention or welcomed you into
some privileged society. Well done! Without wanting to bring you down to Earth
with too much of a jolt, it is important to keep your feet on the ground at
such a time as this. I suggest you work hard on consolidating your assets and
beware of looking down on others. Meditate
on the ability to enjoy status and staying realistic. Use the affirmation: I am
grateful for everything.
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