Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Last Chance to See!

Stephen Fry’s ‘Last Chance to See’ and David Attenborough’s ‘Madagascar’ both highlight the extreme plight of some of the world’s most endangered species that are teetering on the edge of extinction due to hunting, mining, crop plantation for animal feed, habitat loss and climate change. 

If the great philosophers, spiritual teachers and wisdom keepers of the past could speak, what would they say? How would they speak and with what level of urgency in their voices? For those who believe in eternal life, many want to contact waiting spirits. Noisy stimulation of the outside world prevents the hearing of the 'still small voice', of those who provide advice, counsel, challenge and support.

Not just animals are affected, our world is being torn apart; children are born in countries with horrendous genetic malformations due to depleted uranium weapons; the foundations of historical cities built by the great names of history are destroyed by blanket bombing; people consume illegal drugs supplied by drug barons that murder, torture and rape; miners in third world countries destroy their health to remove rocks to decorate the hands of first world celebrities; ice caps are melting; our seas are over fished, our air is toxic, our land is struggling, our dog population has been genetically changed to produce animals that need a lifetime of veterinary care. 

Wendy Stokes is a London based writer who raises awareness for endangered species. She is available for: talks, workshops and courses on channelling, healing and divination; private consultations; interviews for press and radio; articles on channelling, divination, dreams, shamanism and visits to places of spiritual power to access earth energies.

My articles, interviews and columns have been featured in Spirit & Destiny, Prediction, Caduceus, Kindred Spirit, Silent Voices, Two Worlds, WHG, Ghost Voices, Psychic News, Spiritual News, Psychic World, More to Life and many other mind, body and spirit publications. My website is: https://.wendystokes.co.uk


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