Thursday, 27 February 2025

Getting to know the Goddess Course 4:1

Goddess Pages online course - The Crone: This is a suitable archetype for me, as I am in the last years of my life. I am sure there were wise women of older years throughout all time who guided the younger women. There were also those who were distressed by difficult circumstances, perhaps lonely or not financially or emotionally coping in times gone by,mas there still are today. It is not just young women who need guidance and counselling but those who feel that society has left them behind and has no further interest in them.
Keridwen (has part of my name included in hers) is the example provided by the course and her mysterious myths leave me puzzled as to their possible meanings. A cauldron of nourishment, a pot for hot soups and stews, this is still my favourite dish. It could be a symbol of a woman's pregnancy, or of a pot of plenty of any kind, of riches, resources, a family united together, a progressive society, a world of caring, beauty and wellbeing for all people and other species.

The Crone is a prophetess, presumably she has witnessed much in her past, and can see patterns that will inform the future. I feel frightened for the future, that wars will bring division and pain for generations. I feel fir those most vulnerable, as they are always the greatest victims. I feel for other species who have as much right to live in peacevas we all have. I think the Crone should be champion of the planet, of protecting all species and those people across the world most in need.

She is also a shapeshifter. I have never fully known what this involves, I hope not being a good actress, but a person who can turn their hand to many skills, to cook, sew, play a musical instrument perhaps, make people laugh, etc.

We approach the time of All Hallows, when hags and others represent the time of death and the Afterlife. For me it is a sacred time. I loathe the trick or treaters on our streets. On my altar, I have fallen leaves and acorns that form a carpet for the candle that shines a light in the emerging winter months and on any darkness or ignorance that might blight my path. I have apples and pears and plums in my cauldron that will make a fruit compote to add to my daily breakfast cereal.

I read a book that said that the Trojan War took place in East Anglia, in the UK. It is titled 'Where Troy Once Stood'. 

Helen, or Elen, is sometimes referred to as the Goddess of London, and of ley lines and other ancient paths of Britain, such as Deer trods. She is also known as Elen of the Ways.  Helen is said to have been a real woman, mother of Constantine the Great, who built the first Christian church in Britain in London. I didn't know there was a basket called a Helene. How interesting! I love basketry and have a great collection made by other people from across the world. I love them because they are hand made, often by women who need the work to support their family, because they show the beauty of this ancient craft, because they are often colourful, with great variety, and because they are biodegradable, unlike plastic bags or animal skin, which causes suffering. From Goddess Pages Online Course:

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