Monday 9 November 2020

Introducing Avril Price

VRIL PRICE is a TAROT MASTER, TEACHER AND CONSULTANT : "As several years have come and gone and whilst there are things that have not changed much since my last interview, much is different. I would like to think that in those intervening years, I have risen to the challenge of self discovery and progressed and accomplished many things. This notion would be important to me because I sincerely believe that we are all Magicians and we create the right circumstances to manifest our own fortunes. Indeed, we can take that idea one step further and consider that we co-create with the universe to bring about the life we want to live. I have discovered from my consultations that the tough bit is having a vision in the first place, so part of my work with clients is to encourage a realistic and achievable idea or goal and to have insights into their own story to enable quality life choices that will construct positive and productive life styles.

"I have been a teacher and consultant at the College of Psychic Studies for 18 years and feel pretty much part of the fabric these days! I teach Tarot studies and my work incorporates intuitive and spirit communication skills but primarily the work is about understanding the Tarot in all its versatility and the symbols in the cards. I love it because I can see, as people delve further into their studies and begin a journey with Tarot it is very often a game changer for them in a truly positive sense and life takes on a whole new meaningful perspective.

"I facilitate courses at foundation, intermediate and advanced level, not only that but I am about to launch, in collaboration with the College, a  certificated Go Pro Tarot course that kicks off in May 2021. This course consists of 6 modules and is designed to take the reader to a professional level, I share all my knowledge and expertise and am very proud of it! For the moment all my courses and workshops are online, including a Tarot and mediumship workshop via the College, february 20th, 2021.

I have developed a thriving Tarot community at the College which continues to grow and develop and it excites me! Tarot gives a voice to the unconscious and lends itself so well to understanding the nature of spirit. Not only that but by being able to read Tarot we can gain a clarity to our life experiences that is really very beneficial.

"During the many moons since that last interview I have travelled as a Spiritual/Tarot mentor and teacher and cultivated group work in Istanbul, Germany, Finland and even brought my Tarot work to Lapland, it has been a time of opening portals to greater awareness of who one is and a unique relationship to the spirit in all things.

"I have an annual weekend yuletide retreat in Glastonbury which is very popular as are my monthly Kitchen Table half day workshops, these are gorgeous, healing, deep dive sessions which explore in great detail each card and participants are actively encouraged to discuss and express their insights to the cards, I believe in shared learning and the Kitchen Table workshops offer an opportunity for everyone to learn from each other. I get to evolve too!

"Another aspect of my work that I find truly satisfying is writing. I produce a weekly blog which can be subscribed to via the website. The theme is usually Tarot related and I aim to make them inspiring and informative. Becoming a prolific blogger gave me the confidence to  host my own show on Women’s radio station and write for publications. I have been a regular contributor to Spirit and Destiny magazine amongst others and currently I am expert advisor for Total Tarot, a part works publication, which is an initiative from Lo Scarabeo Tarot deck publisher and Byline publishing company. This is innovative in so far as it is available on the high street and the enthusiast can collect authentic Tarot decks and take part in the course each month. It is great how Tarot is becoming so much more accessible and I enjoy being a part of the process.

"I have just launched the Laser lesson Tarot ebook about the Fool, it consists of a sharp, laser lesson, a guided visualisation, a spread and an exercise all about the Fool. This is the first in a series of the Major Arcana and can be obtained from my website,

"There are lots of other plans, I look forward to the future and working with Tarot, growing the community and encouraging spiritual thought and practice to all that we do, personal development can be a normal way of looking at the world, Tarot really helps us to see that, that  could and should be the way forward.

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