Card number 6 from the Star Tarot is titled The Lovers and here it is given a subtitle of 'The Sacred Marriage' and 'The Healing Union'.
The Lovers is a complicated and multifaceted key. The traditional ideas surrounding it deal with adolescence and sexual discovery, free will, empowerment, making choices and forging bonds. The modern approach takes these aspects and unites them with one's inner mascline and inner feminine to create a balanced personality. Internal struggles betwen dualities can create negativity that projects outwardly ie if there are polarities in the inner life then there will be conflicts in outer relationships. Love sensuality and sexuality can be very transformative if we are aware of our patterns and create a place of balance from which to relate. A loving and committed union with another person can increase one's understanding of life, creation, and renewal, bringing both partners closer to their soul self and one with the Divine. The Lover's card's gift is emotional healing from the sacred marriage within that brings a solid loving relationship into your life and into the life of your partner. 6 is the number of balance, harmony, completion, integration and transformation. These gifts are not automatic but need to be created through attention, understanding and commitment of both parties.
One of the biggest lessons of The Lovers card is to love and honour yourself first, as this needs to take place before you can truly be open to love another authentically. From this place, you mirror only genuine love and attract equal light that brings expansion to your heart with emotional fulfilment. Within a relationship, you should not feel limited, restricted or restrained. Nor should you do that to another. When two hearts share the same love, peace, and understanding, the relationship can withstand any adversity as this draws the two together, to grow and learn about themselves and each other and to deepen their relationship and their love.
Everyone has experienced the feeling of love on some level - the world seems brighter, you have more energy, greater happiness. The Lovers card symbolises this feeling, and it represents commitment in the relationship, genuine partnership, trust and greater personal strength for each partner, as each recognises the wisdom of working together for more capacity to love in truth and tranquility. As they expand on their love for each other, they connect at ever expanding levels of connection, to even unexpected and even magical levels. Each encompasses as much human love as possible for each other, spiritually, sexually and sensually awakening the life force through kundalini and creativity, constantly renewing, evolving and regenerating depth of healing love on every level.
The Lovers symbolise a committed, strong, romantic relationship that keeps growing and expanding towards deeper understanding of the inner self of both parties. It awakens free will to improve choices that supports your evolution with or without your partner. It asks: Are the choices you make coming from a mature, integrated and intelligent framework? If not, identify the opposing aspects of your inner life and examine how they affect your external relationships. Address your inner conflicts, help you partner do the same when something is out of their awareness, kindly help them to notice how they can improve their mind set. Trust is needed to heal the wounds of the past. Understanding the other's need for this healing means seeing and being part of their recovery, but also sometimes experiencing their woundedness. Choices mean decisions and these choices are devotion, commitment to caring, to recognising the sacredness of the path of life and love. For every avenue taken, another is rejected.
The card image depicts Archangel Raphael, Angel of Healing as this is the greatest path to pouring salve on our wounds and creating a better life of strength, health and wisdom. It is the path of higher consciousness, purpose and meaning. The sun is the divine light under which the lovers live. The dove represents the Holy Spirit which descends and resides in those upon the path of ever deepening love. The man and woman face each other. What do they say to each other? The apple tree beside the women is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Commit to the Path of Goodness. The Golden Tree is beside the man and represents the Tree of Life. The tree roots intertwine in the pool of possibilities in the shape of a heart, that resides in the centre of all people. Above the heart is a 6 pointed star symbolising creation and transformation. The Grail relates to the feminine, the garden of receptivity, which flows with love into the Pool of Possibilities. The sword is the masculine that brings thought and imagination into action. The butterflies are the beauty of the transformation achieved through this path. The calla lilies are for purity and unconditional love. Gemini is the astrological sign that highlights communication and the method through, and the duality of of yin/yang, the known/unknown. Remember the words 'I think'.
From Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland, published by REDFeather.
Tarot Deck Recommendation: Wendy Stokes
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