Understanding your own emotions. Because the card reminds us of the three graces, the three Norns (the Norse goddesses), and the three wishes of many fairytales, it leads us to the cosmic wisdom exemplified by the saying “all good things come in threes”. The blue palm trees and the blue grotto point towards bliss, enchantment, and great joy. Life will become a feast if you go beyond yourself and learn to retain your emotional independence, even in the company of others.
This card is all about the quality of your feelings. The nudity of figures represent beauty and naturalness. Symbolically, it encourages honesty and at the same time warns of insolence (shamelessness and lack of culture). The red forms in the upper corners can be interpreted as a curtain that can be drawn across, obscuring the appreciation and gratitude required to fully know what this card reveals. On the left and right sides, two springs gush, representing the inconsistencies of emotional life.
Overall this is a lucky and auspicious card when interpreted as a symbol of emotional intelligence. Conscious emotions are fruitful emotions. The magic of feeling needs to be enhanced by thoughts, words, and deeds to make up your personal, emotional dance. Surrender to your feelings to become one in body, mind and spirit. This inner unity constitutes the basis for happy and lasting relationships. Practical advice: Develop your emotional vocabulary. Learn to understand the feelings of others. Express your feelings, vividly. Approach others, and define your own boundaries, even if you’re not used to it. The right word at the right time can make miracles come true.
Reading from Dali Tarot by the late Rachel Pollack
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