Tuesday 1 March 2022

Questions and Answers from postbag

Dear Wendy: Where is Troyes and is it important historically? Micky Mac
Dear Mickey: Troyes in Champagne region of France, is a city built on a very early Christian martyr holy site. It is at a strategic cross roads, and was known for sheep rearing and for its early goods fair. Bernard of Clairvaux was from this region which was a hot spot of culture, chivalry and Knights Templar activity. The Count of Champagne asked the Tironesian builders to found a school of architecture in Chartres. The St Clair family originated in Champagne region, and the Tironesians had a connection to Scotland and Rosslyn Chapel. 

Dear Wendy: Can ghosts be stopped from haunting? If so, how can this be done? Kat Bishop Adel, West Yorkshire

Dear Kat: When the physical body dies, our spirit goes through a process of transition where we pass over a bridge, through a tunnel or doorway into the Otherworld Then we are met by dear friends, past pets and angelic presences that take us to a healing realm. We then have duties to carry out in the spirit world, such as to train as a spirit guide or to pray for world peace. Sadly, sometimes the transition is not fully complete because of confusion (they might not have received any preparation) or because they want to stay in this world to complete some unfinished task and go through the motions of this event, time and time again without result. The way to help these 'ghosts' or lost spirits is a) to discover what their needs are and b) explain that they have no physical body now and that they have good work to do on the Otherside. c) request help for guidance towards their spirit home. The great psychopomps of the ancient world await them; Anubis of Egypt, Hermes of Greece, the angel Gabriel, all can be called to help the transition. You can also call upon your own caring friends in Spirit who can lead this lost spirit by the hand across the Great Divide and to a place where they can be cared for.    

Dear Wendy: Where are the mediums who produce ectoplasm? Jenny Smith, Arlington, Devon
Dear Jenny:The production of the gauze-like substance known as ectoplasm comes from the orifices of the physical body of a trance medium. Materialisations require the production of ectoplasm through a process called Physical Mediumship. Lights, sounds, table tipping, transfiguration (when the face of the medium changes in appearance) etc., are related to this phenomenon and Helen Duncan and Gordon Higginson were well known Physical Mediums. This ability requires great dedication for the medium and also for the sitters. Delivering messages from the spirit world, called mental mediumship, by comparison, is easier to conduct and is not so dangerous for the medium. For this reason, in our time, mental mediumship is preferred. However, the major mediumship training centres in the UK, Arthur Findlay College, the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain and the College of Psychic Studies occasionally have training and/or demonstrations. http://www.arthurfindlaycollege.org/

Dear Wendy: I’d be interested to know if you walk under ladders, Wendy? I try not to, but if I do, I turn around three times and spit on the ground. It looks strange but I feel better for doing it! Jackie Mellows,
Hi Jackie: The Hollywood Film Director, Sam Goldwyn said "The harder I work, the more luck I get!" I think this is a sensible philosophy. I am concerned about giving power to an inanimate object to hurt me in some unrelated way. I think it is important to consider the possible origins of this tradition and perhaps we can get closer to real meaning. When the builders were hauling huge stones into place on the great cathedral towers, many men died or were seriously disabled when they fell from high places. Honouring the precariousness of ladders and those who climb them is as ancient as ladders themselves. If walking under them is unsafe, what of those who climb them with huge loads?   

Dear Wendy: Was Aleister Crowley as bad as he's made out to be? Samantha Paige, Hartlepool
Dear Samantha:Yes, he was a very self-serving individual, what would be described today as an anarchist, a sociopath, narcissist, racist and sexist snob. He contracted a sexual infection early in his life, and at a time when this had no treatment, continued to have sexual contact with both men and women - and perhaps children (many of his erotic poems suggest he was a paedophile). He used violence against the porters on his mountaineering trips and on one ascent of Kangchenjunga, four men died and he expressed no concern for their dependents. His second wife was incarcerated in a mental hospital for the last 30 years of her life whilst he spent a vast fortune touring the world with women in every country he visited, many of whom had his children but not many were thought to have lived beyond childhood. Most of his visions were drug induced and he formed his own occult group so he could rise in the ranks. He was argumentative and unable to sustain friendships. Many people have described that they found him quite sickening. A real role model for today’s idiots! Information taken from Wikipedia.

Hi Wendy: Do crystals work for you? When I hold them I can detect no difference between them.  Lucy, Dagenham, Essex

Dear Lucy: Crystals are made from the core of our planet and took many millions of years to form. They come in many types, colours and formations. However, when they are removed from the Earth, the mining produces huge amounts of carbon emissions and as healing tools are not needed. It is possible to heal just as effectively without. Many people involved in removal of stone in the quarries are paid very badly and, when they are injured, have no insurance to support themselves or their families. Due to this history, the stones do not heal because they have caused only harm to the miners and the planet. In the past, I collected and used these pretty coloured stones and I still enjoy my collection. However, I prefer not to take them from the planet – as they can never be returned there and as a healer, my practise has not suffered as a result. 

First published in Eternal Spirit Magazine

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