Tuesday 15 October 2024

Repetition Compulsion


What is Repetition Compulsion?  This is a Freudian term. When we had trauma, we didn't develop a good way to deal with it, so in our adult life, we unconsciously recreate the same situation in order to work through it to a good outcome, learning how to deal with it well. 

Codependency No More Book Extract

Dependency issues: Many codependents don’t feel happy, content, or peaceful with themselves. They look for happiness outside themselves. The latch on to whoever or whatever they think will provide happiness for them. They feel terribly threatened by the loss of anything or person they think provides their happiness. They didn’t feel love or approval from their parents. And they don’t love themselves. They believe other people can’t or don’t love them. Desperately they seek love and approval. They often seek love from people incapable of loving. They believe other people are never there for them. They equate love with pain.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Watkins Bookstore

During the Victorian era, the intelligentsia, rich and fashionable of London were fascinated by mysticism and spirituality. In this era of excitement, one of the leading lights of the day, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, encouraged her friend, John Watkins to open the first ever specialist esoteric bookshop. It bears the ‘Watkins’ name to this day.

Watkins is situated in the dignified elegance of Cecil Court, off Charing Cross Road, London. The shop’s logo depicts Thoth, Egyptian God of Wisdom in the act of writing with pen and paper. The store stocks the UK’s widest selection of esoteric information in 60,000 book titles, cards, CD’s, DVDs, talismans, artefacts and other interesting items. In its early years, customers included W B Yeats, Aleister Crowley, G R S Mead, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Dion Fortune and the Society of the Inner Light, MacGregor Mathers and members of The Golden Dawn. 

Monday 7 October 2024

Your Film Story Meditation

 With thanks to Erica Longdon for the voice over and the video creation
 Do.not drive or operate machinery. Get comfortable, close your eyes, enter your inner world…. 

Saturday 5 October 2024

The Holy Grail - Part Two

The Grail Knight chosen for the Grail challenge must be of the most sincere integrity. Merlin reserved seat at Arthur’s table, known as the Siege Perilous, for the knight who would seek the Grail. In Chretien de Troyes, Percival was to take that seat (Galahad in Thomas Mallory’s poem Le Morte D’Arthur). It was Wolfram von Eschenbach took his story from Chretien de Troyes, and write the poem Parsival. He placed Grail Castle in Jerusalem with Templars as its guardians of the Grail, here described as lapsit exillis, a stone. 
The fictional story of the Holy Grail was first written at the end of the 12th century by poet, Chretien (whose name means Christian). His patron was Mary of Champagne, the daughter of Louis VII and his queen, the illustrious Eleanor of Aquitaine. The Champagne Court loved music, poetry and entertainments. This story features a young knight, Percival, who stops for the night at an extraordinary castle. The owner is a disabled king. That evening, at dinner, a strange pageant takes place. Blood flows down the blade of a lance onto the hand of the man carrying it. Two boy servants follow him with a tray of candles. Then in walks a beautiful girl carrying a gold cup emblazoned with gems as another other girl follows her with a silver platter. A single communion wafer provides sustenance. Percival is told it is rude to ask questions! In the morning after the pageant, he learns that if he had asked questions, an important healing would have taken place. 

Getting to know the Goddess Course 4:2

Goddess-Pages online course. Visit: goddess-pages.co.uk
The Goddess of the Sea

I have always been attracted to the sea. I love the large skies, and the blue of the sea where the horizon meets the blue of the sky. There is a sense of the eternal, and of an everlasting and awesome beauty that is unconquerable by mankind. We can never change that picture.

Aphrodite is not a Goddess I relate to, perhaps her manipulative personality is one I fear. In my childhood 'the Star of the Sea', was Mary, Mother of Jesus, though why she is called this, I have wondered. We had a hymn, that I remember well. Maybe Mary Magdelene should have the  title of ‘star of the sea’ instead.

I did once make a Goddess doll but I buried it in a ceremony. I seem to collect dolls; people give them to me as gifts. Some are very special. I believe some can talk! :-)

We are very lucky that so many ancient artefacts have survived many tens of thousands of years. These earliest of objects made by human hands are statues of the Goddess. It is thought that She was the earliest of deities, and a peaceful, caring society developed under a strong matriarchal society. I would hope that we could look forward to a time when women are once again respected, given power and that men are supportive of this role for women in our world. Maybe the New Age will provide the opening for this to happen. By looking into the past, we can see where patriarchy has made mistakes, in war, materialism which destroys the planet and enslaves other species, does not properly care for children, gives women a second class status. We can address the problems of the future, and I think the Godesss, in all her guises, can help us to do that.

Friday 4 October 2024

The Beauty of Mongolia

Uyanga Batjarjal says: My home country is Outer Mongolia. Mongolians are country people travelling with their camel and sheep herds from one pasture to another. The ancient culture and traditions still exist, and, as mainly Buddhists, we believe we have lived many lives before. My home in the only city, Ulaan Bataar, overlooks Mongolia’s tallest mountain. It's a holy mountain where people go to pray. Our climate is colder than the North Pole in winter, and, in the summer, we get sandy winds from the Gobi desert. It is a harsh landscape but the people are intelligent and happy and have a natural and instinctive spirituality. My country is six times the size of the UK, and has less than three million people scattered throughout its land area. This is an exotic place which has always appealed to travellers, it is sometimes known as 'Shangri-La. The rural countryside was brought to the attention of TV viewers when Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman filmed part of their motor-cycle adventures for the programme ‘Long Way Round’. This publicity brought many young motorcycle visitors. Mongolia is the destination for the annual London to Ulaan Baataar ‘Mongol Rally’ that has taken place since 2004, and is included on the itinery of the Blue Planet Run Foundation, which is a green issues fun-run from New York through Mongolia into China.  


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Lee Harris - Tribute to his Dad

Lee Harris wrote this song as a love letter to his Father. And as a way of having a difficult conversation with him, at a difficult time for the family.

"I wrote it at my piano in California, August of 2019, nine months before he died, and I trusted his soul would ‘hear’ me over in England. I had no intention at the time that this very personal song, would be released publicly. Nor did I realize that it would become increasingly relevant in our world the more we travelled through 2020.
"My dear Dad, David Ernest Harris, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in July of 2019, just a couple of weeks after Steven and I had visited him with my family in England. During that trip, he and several members of my family had attended our workshop in London, which was lovely for all of us. It always lit Dad up to be at our live events, and I loved nothing more than seeing he and my mum chatting to those who attended. So that day is now a very special memory.

Mystics, Scholars and Poets! Ireland - A Visit

I bet you didn’t know that King Dagobert spent time in Ireland! Ireland was once known as “the land of mystics, scholars and poets” and County Mayo, on Ireland’s West coast, is highly charged with spiritual energies. It’s a wild, rugged and desolate landscape has attractions for the holiday visitor with coastal and countryside walking, mountain climbing, golfing and bird watching. The Atlantic coast is atmospheric, there is also sea, lake and river fishing for those who enjoy the great outdoors. It is an area rich in wonderful, historical sites, such as stone circles and cairns, round towers and monastic ruins. Throughout the summer there are many festivals of food, music, art and song. 

This area is steeped in Ireland’s famous connections to the spiritual world. For instance, this is a well documented event. On the evening of August 21, 1879, Margaret Beirne was

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Melody Beattie - A Story

Once upon a time, a woman moved to a cave in the mountains to study with a guru. She wanted, she said, to learn everything there was to know. The guru supplied her with stacks of books and left her alone so that she could study. Every morning, the Guru returned to the cave to monitor her progress. In his hand, he carried heavy wooden stick. Each morning he asked her the same question. Have you learned everything there is to know yet? Each morning, her answer was the same. No, she said “I haven’t”. The Guru would then strike her over the head with a cane. This scenario repeated itself for months. 

One day, when the guru went to the cave, he asked the same question. He received the same answer, and raised his came to hit her in the same way, but the woman grabbed the cane from his hand, stopping the attack.  Relieved that the daily battering had been prevented, but fearing reprisal, the woman looked up at the guru. To her surprise, he smiled and gave his congratulations.  He said “you have graduated. You now know everything you need to know”. “What do you mean?” said the woman. “You have learned that you never learn everything there is to know… but you have learned how to stop the pain”.
