Sunday 3 March 2024

Rapprochement Card Reading

Taken from the card of Justice by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber: This card depicts the naivity of youth yet it contains very ancient wisdom. It is a winged angel that carries the heart-tipped-star-encrusted spear of Ultimate Truth. This extraordinary spear cuts through obscuring veils to reveal hidden wonders. The bright, shining blade only deals punishment that is deserved, or provides protection for validity of innocence. The scales held in her right hand weigh all factors, and finds the pivotal point between truth, order and justice. Yet she is not blindfolded, and she sees all sides of any given question. Behind this impartial Angel of Justice, a pink sky indicates the dawn of recovery as Justice must prevail. The angel has chosen to take her stand on a huge leaf of neutral space that Justice brings to a world in chaos in terms of ecology, health, finance, education, well-being, legal and all other necessary attributes. Without Justice, no kingdom, society or organisation can survive for long. 

Now is the time for seeing the other person's viewpoint. It is time for a balancing out of accounts on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Conflict resolution involves the risk of letting go of power in the short term for rewards in the long term.
If you know and speak the truth, only then will you perceive it in the words and deeds of others. If you are fair and just, you will detect dishonesty in yourself and others. Agreements must be honoured and balance on all levels sought. 
Ritual for Justice: Burn dried sage leaves in a metal dish. Write upon a square of white paper the outcome that is best for all parties. In this case, a full honest inquiry that leads to rapprochement. Close your eyes and say "Open our eyes that the truth shall rise. Deliver us from every lie as the spear doth fly." 

Justice is most frequently shown blindfolded, but prior to the sixteenth century she was shown without the blindfold. Sometimes, she is Themis with her knight. Here she is the embodiment of the Goddess of Divine justice, fairness, natural law, law and custom. She had particular interest in judging hubris, which is exaggerated pride and arrogance, and for this, Nemesis was called for. Nemesis expressed indignation and was active alongside Themis, hence the knight on the horse. 
Her daughter Dike is Goddess of Earthly justice. Themis is the champion of kindness, and the Latin root of the word relates to righteousness. In Greek and Hebrew there is one word for both justice and righteousness. In Hebrew ‘tzedekah’ also means charity. Dike presided over fair apportionment, the protection of individuals, keeping political and social order. Themis uses the scales to weigh facts. Her presence implies guilt or innocence. Evidence based thinking! 
There is a need for good judgment. It is a mature person with knowledge and education beyond our own who can help us make an important decision. They are an arbiter, a negotiator, solicitor, lawyer, magistrate, judge. The card says”Fairness must be achieved. Let us discover the truth and take action. Where recompense is due, let it be given.”

From The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot by Russell A Sturgess : The Judgment Card. Renewal, Karmic Issues. This card says something or someone from the past may come back into our life with influences we may or may not like. We are advised to handle relationships or issues carefully and correctly or pay a price! This card may point to a change of job or home and we may be attracted to a new line of spiritual or magickal study. We will face an unpleasant but necessary decision.
This is about a person wrestling with inner thoughts and emotions, oblivious to a Dragon trying to heal and console him. Although the Dragon is there to help him, the man must take responsibility for his own awakening. He must willing let go of illusions, despair and haunting thoughts and dreams in order to see the healing that is available to him. The Judgment card is calling us to rise up and embrace a higher level of consciousness for the service of the highest good. Many are experiencing a spiritual awakening and realize that we are destined for so much more than the existence we have always known. This is our wake up call, when we hear it we must act by letting go of our old selves and stepping into this newest version of who we truly are.

This card often indicates that we need to make a life-changing decision, but unlike those associated with the Justice card, this decision requires a blend of intuition and intellect, connecting with and trusting our spiritual allies.

Humanity is at a crossroads, and we need to be aware that although change is necessary, any choice we make will bring a significant change with long-lasting effects. Tune in to your higher self, trust your judgment. If you still need clarity on the situation, look to past situations and life lessons to guide you forward, learn the lesson to let the situation go so you can freely move on.
Humanity has reached a significant stage and we have reviewed and evaluated our past experiences. All the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together to form a unified picture of where we - and our world needs to go. Integration of lessons learned can heal deep wounds from the past enabling us to put the past behind us. This purging process is synonymous with Spring, cleansing, clearing, renewal and rebirth, and will leave us refreshed and ready to take on any new challenges that come our way.
Avalon Whitefeather )O(

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