The Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust was founded by
author and naturalist Gerald Durrell 50 years ago with the mission to save
species from extinction, and it has a proven track record of doing just
that! Species that have been pulled back
from the brink include the Mauritius kestrel, pink pigeon, echo parakeet and the
Mallorcan midwife toad, and our dedicated conservationists are hard at work in
threatened habitats around the world, continuing each day to protect and
conserve many more amazing species.
Due to the increasing demands of humans on the
environment, we have witnessed in recent decades, a massive rise in the rate of
extinctions.The number of species under threat has reached alarming proportions,
including 23% of mammals, 12% of birds and 32% of all amphibians. A wide variety
of species are necessary for the building blocks on which our ecosystems are
sustained and it is these ecosystems that provide us with previous resources,
such as clean water, fuel, fibre and food.
When species die out, we reducing the environment’s ability to provide us with vital resources. The challenges facing the world’s biodiversity are too large for any sole organisation to make a difference. However, jointly, small and large non-government organisations, like Durrell, can improve the state of the world’s health. Durrell’s niche is one in which endemic species in their natural context are allowed to survive alongside human communities.Endangered species conservation, encompassing research, policy, management, and all its many facets, requires integrative and interdisciplinary methods.Durrell has developed into an effective conservation organisation not just by being strong in natural sciences research and methods, but also by being robust in the social science knowledge and skills necessary to effectively participate in, and influence, the management of species and their specialised habitats.
When species die out, we reducing the environment’s ability to provide us with vital resources. The challenges facing the world’s biodiversity are too large for any sole organisation to make a difference. However, jointly, small and large non-government organisations, like Durrell, can improve the state of the world’s health. Durrell’s niche is one in which endemic species in their natural context are allowed to survive alongside human communities.Endangered species conservation, encompassing research, policy, management, and all its many facets, requires integrative and interdisciplinary methods.Durrell has developed into an effective conservation organisation not just by being strong in natural sciences research and methods, but also by being robust in the social science knowledge and skills necessary to effectively participate in, and influence, the management of species and their specialised habitats.
With our international headquarters in Jersey, Durrell
has built up a worldwide reputation for its pioneering conservation techniques
developed under the leadership of the late Gerald Durrell.Our animal
conservation programme currently works with 36 critically endangered species
worldwide, with the aim of halting the breeding stock decline before they reach
the desperate situation of a few remaining individuals. Our main programme areas
are Madagascar, the Indian Ocean islands, Pacific Ocean islands, Caribbean
islands and Indian lowlands.
At 587,045km Madagascar is the largest oceanic island
and the fourth largest island on Earth. It is thought to have been isolated from
mainland Africa for over 160 million years.The island’s location and isolation has led to the evolution of the
diverse range of habitats from dense tropical rain forests in the east, to arid
semi-deserts in the south-west. As a result Madagascar displays levels of
species endemism (i.e. species that are not found anywhere else on Earth) higher
than anywhere in the world, which has led the island to be identified as one of
world’s top ‘megadiversity’ countries, and a foremost conservation priority
What is so important about Madagascar’s biodiversity is that this endemism extends to whole taxonomic families of species which are found nowhere else. The island’s best-known endemics are the Lemur families, which contain over 90 species found only in Madagascar, ranging from the largest, the Indri which weighs up to 8kg, to the world’s smallest primate, Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur, which weighs 30g. Current estimates indicate that there are between 10,000 to 20,000 plant species, 80% of which (or 3.2% of the global total) are endemic. There are also seven endemic plant families to the island, a degree of endemism not found anywhere else. Additionally, 90% of reptiles, 98% of amphibians, 40% birds and 90% of mammals are endemic to the island.
What is so important about Madagascar’s biodiversity is that this endemism extends to whole taxonomic families of species which are found nowhere else. The island’s best-known endemics are the Lemur families, which contain over 90 species found only in Madagascar, ranging from the largest, the Indri which weighs up to 8kg, to the world’s smallest primate, Madame Berthe’s mouse lemur, which weighs 30g. Current estimates indicate that there are between 10,000 to 20,000 plant species, 80% of which (or 3.2% of the global total) are endemic. There are also seven endemic plant families to the island, a degree of endemism not found anywhere else. Additionally, 90% of reptiles, 98% of amphibians, 40% birds and 90% of mammals are endemic to the island.
Other unique mammals
include the top predator, the Fosa, a large
cat-like animal most closely related to the mongoose which is equally at home in
the top of a baobab tree as on the ground. Madagascar also contains the richest
diversity of amphibian and reptile species in the world with 314 of the 340
known species of reptile being endemic, most notably the chameleons which may
have originated on the island. However our knowledge of the species on
Madagascar remains largely incomplete and species are constantly being
described; for example 22 species or subspecies of primate alone have been
described since 1999.
The human impact
Habitat destruction caused by human activities is the
single greatest threat faced by Madagascan biodiversity. Much of the
biodiversity found on the island is concentrated in forest ecosystems, which
have been under significant pressure for many years primarily from
slash-and-burn agriculture, mining and logging (either for charcoal or
construction wood). It is estimated that in the year 2000, around 17% of the
former closed canopy primary forest remained intact. The impact of invasive species on native biodiversity in
Madagascar has received less attention than other threats. Plants such as the
water hyacinth clog up many river systems, which are also damaged by the impacts
of introduced fish species such as snakehead murrell, carp and Nile tilapia.
Furthermore the conversion of wetlands to rice and siltation of waterways from
deforestation along the banks, have dramatically reduced the quality of water
Madagascar has a population of 20 million inhabitants,
of which 70% live in rural areas. Although the country is on a path of rapid
development, mostly occurring in urban areas, 50% of the population does not
have access to an improved water source and about 40% are under-nourished. Until
2005, 61% of the population lived on less that $1 per day. The rural communities
are heavily dependent on natural resources that are being rapidly depleted.
Deforestation for agriculture has both removed sources of sustainable
livelihoods and also much of the country’s unique biodiversity. The few
remaining forests therefore provide essential ecosystem services such
as protection for vital water catchments and renewable
resources, but also the last remaining refuges for Madagascar’s native plants
and animals. As the population grows and
people lack the means or know-how to invest in environmental management and
restoration, the natural resource base and agricultural land are becoming
increasingly degraded so contributing to a poverty trap. Madagascar’s rural
communities need assistance to diversify their means of supporting their
livelihoods and support to adopt practices that sustain the natural

Durrell in Madagascar
Durrell has been working in Madagascar since the early
1980s and it is now our largest programme area. Initially the organisation
focussed on a number of key species, such as the ploughshare tortoise,
Madagascar teal and Meller’s duck. More recently, in the last 15 years, we have
developed a focus on working with local communities to sustainably use their
natural resources and protect their biodiversity. Currently Durrell implements a number of projects in
seven main field sites:
1. Menabe Forest
This region contains one of the largest remaining tracts of deciduous seasonally
dry forest and is extremely rich in endemic animal and plant species. These forests, which once covered much of
western Madagascar, have been reduced to about 3% of their original extent by
clearing for timber or subsistence agriculture.
As a result, this habitat and the species found in it are now one of the
highest conservation priorities in Madagascar.
There are at least four species endemic to the forest alone; a frog, the
flat-tailed tortoise, the giant jumping rat and Madame Berthe’s mouse
lemur. This forest is also home to at
least 14 other species. Because of the dense forest, one of Durrell’s main
challenges in the area is to monitor species compositions and relative
abundance, and our team here develops new survey methods and tailors approaches
to specific species. In this area we are
also working with a Malagasy NGO to create a new protected area, running
participatory monitoring programmes and advising on the establishment of new
2. Baly Bay
This palm savanna is the last remaining habitat of the ploughshare
tortoise. There are believed to be less
than 2,000 individuals left, largely because of illegal trade but also because
of fire, cyclones and wood cutting which threaten the forests and the tortoise’s
habitat. Durrell has successfully set up
a captive breeding programme to save the tortoise (see below) and forged close
partnerships with local and regional authorities as well as local communities to
stamp out illegal trafficking of the tortoise.
We also monitor, reintroduce and check the status of the tortoises and
promote the use of traditional fire control techniques to protect forests and
bamboo areas for the tortoise. Durrell
has also been instrumental in establishing protected areas in Baly
3. Ampijoroa
A Durrell-supported captive breeding and reintroduction project at the Ampijoroa
Forestry Station in north-western Madagascar is underway. This is to prevent the extinction of the
ploughshare tortoise, the flat-tailed tortoise and the side-necked turtle, all
of which are critically endangered, and to create a new wild population from
captive-bred juveniles.
4. Lac Alaotra
This area was designated as a Ramsar site in 2003 as a wetland of global
importance; Durrell was instrumental in this work and we continue to assist in
the development of a new protected area within the marshes and on the lake. The wetlands are very vulnerable to
degradation and sedimentation, often as a result of rice farming, erosion and
siltation. The introduction of aquatic
plants and fish, as well as habitat degradation, over-hunting and fishing also
threaten endemic species. At least three
of these endemics are critically endangered, including the Alaotran gentle
lemur, one of the world’s only wetland primates, whose reduced geographical
range has led to a rapid decline in population.
The Alaotran little grebe and the Madagascar pochard are also near
extinction, and we are currently hoping to set up a captive breeding programme
to save the pochard.
Durrell is also involved in encouraging and setting up
local publicity campaigns, developing and promoting participatory monitoring
techniques that can be run with, or by, the local inhabitants, both to evaluate
the effectiveness of community management techniques and to reinforce local
commitment to management by demonstrating the impacts.
5. Novisvolo
The v-shaped, 120km Novisvolo river in eastern Madagascar flows between two
parallel mountain ranges. There is a
significant threat to the conservation of the region from deforestation as a
result of slash and burn cultivation in the forests, causing sedimentation and
turbidity in the river. The presence of
introduced fish and over-fishing is also threatening endemic fish. Durrell has set up a project to conserve the
19 endemic fish in the region, all of which are declining in numbers. Durrell has also conducted a land survey in
the area to evaluate the degree of river bank damage and set up local outreach
programmes to raise awareness of the decline in fish populations and encourage
the development of community conservation initiatives.
6. Manombo forest One of the last remaining lowland rainforests on the
eastern coast of Madagascar, with extremely rich biodiversity and high levels of
endemism. Manombo forest is home to
eight species of primate; the black-and-white ruffed lemur, white-collared brown
lemur, lesser bamboo lemur, Aye-Aye, sportive lemur, eastern woolly lemur, mouse
lemur and greater dwarf lemur. Both
black-and-white ruffed and white-collared brown lemur are critically endangered,
with the white-collared brown lemur listed as one of the 25 most threatened
species in the world. Manombo is the
only protected area within its limited range.
The black-and-white ruffed lemur, although widespread throughout eastern
Madagascar, has a patchy distribution and populations are disappearing as their
habitats become increasingly fragmented.
Durrell’s Manombo programme includes research and monitoring of these two
species. We have also facilitated the
creation of five village associations for the conservation of biodiversity in
Manombo and trained five local people to help monitor and study the lemurs and
their habitats.
7. Western Wetlands
A series of wetlands on the western coast of Madagascar. Here we work to protect and monitor the
critically endangered side-necked turtle which we breed in captivity at
Ampijoroa (see above). We also monitor
the status of a number of bird species.
Community conservation
Many of the threats to endangered species result from
local use, and where they do not, such as the theft of ploughshare tortoises for
the international market, good collaboration with local people is the key to a
first line of defence for effective protection.Over the last eight years,
Durrell has developed a specific approach to community conservation, with the
principles of respecting local cultures and traditional social structures,
celebrating local biodiversity, catalysing group decision making, seeking active
participation in locally led initiatives (rather than the other way round) and
utilising positive incentive structures for conservation or resource management
It is
possible to adopt a rare animal, visit for details.
With thanks for article provided by Natalie
Ranise for Durrell Wildlife Conservation
Article by Wendy Stokes
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