Friday, 23 December 2022

Words - A Collection

Martin Buber retells a story of a Rabbi, who on his deathbed is asked if he’s ready for the world to come. The Rabbi replies with a hearty yes! as he will not be asked “Why were you not Moses?” he will only be asked “Why were you not yourself?” 🌟

The epitaph on the gravestone of Howard Carter reads:  May your spirit live, may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes, sitting with your face to the north wind, your eyes beholding happiness”. This is a quotation from the Wishing Cup of Tutankhamen, and “O Night, spread your wings over me as the imperishable stars.” 🌟

For everything there is a season…. Rewritten! 🌟

For everything there is a season, A time for action and a time to be passive, a time to be together and a time to be alone, a time to fight and a time to love, a time to work and a time to play, a time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to confront and a time to withdraw, a time to speak and a time to be silent, a time to hurry and have time to wait. 🌟

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Holy Land

Many mysteries surround the antiquity of the Holy Land. Sacred to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it is the most fought over piece of land in the world!

Where is Mount Sinai?

Sir Colin Humphreys is a Cambridge University academic who questioned the position of Mount Sinai, the place where Exodus states that Moses heard the voice of God from the burning bush and was given the 10 Commandments.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Dream Interpretation

Each night, we have many dreams but we only remember the most important ones! If you would like a dream interpreted on these pages, please describe your dream and send it to us. Your name will not be used as we use only an initial. 

Dear Wendy

I have had a strange dream where I am dancing in circles with a beautiful little girl with a crown of gold on her head.  It is really weird.  Any feedback would be appreciated. P

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Getting to know the Goddess Course 4:1

Goddess Pages online course - The Crone: This is a suitable archetype for me, as I am in the last years of my life. I am sure there were wise women of older years throughout all time who guided the younger women. There were also those who were distressed by difficult circumstances, perhaps lonely or not financially or emotionally coping in times gone by,mas there still are today. It is not just young women who need guidance and counselling but those who feel that society has left them behind and has no further interest in them.
Keridwen (has part of my name included in hers) is the example provided by the course and her mysterious myths leave me puzzled as to their possible meanings. A cauldron of nourishment, a pot for hot soups and stews, this is still my favourite dish. It could be a symbol of a woman's pregnancy, or of a pot of plenty of any kind, of riches, resources, a family united together, a progressive society, a world of caring, beauty and wellbeing for all people and other species.

The Crone is a prophetess, presumably she has witnessed much in her past, and can see patterns that will inform the future. I feel frightened for the future, that wars will bring division and pain for generations. I feel fir those most vulnerable, as they are always the greatest victims. I feel for other species who have as much right to live in peacevas we all have. I think the Crone should be champion of the planet, of protecting all species and those people across the world most in need.

Monday, 21 November 2022

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me - A Poem

 When tomorrow starts without me, And I’m not there to see,

That the sun should rise, and find your eyes, All filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn’t cry, The way you did today.
While thinking of the many things, We didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me, As much as I love you.
And every time you think of me, I know you’ll miss me too.
When tomorrow starts without me, Please try to understand.
That an Angel came, and called my name, And took me by the hand.
And said my place was ready, in Heaven far above.
That I have to leave behind, all those I dearly love.
But as I turn to walk away, A tear fell from my eye.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Free Relaxation Training - YouTube Video

This video will make you drowsy so do not drive a car whilst listening to it. Make yourself comfortable, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes, and enter your inner world.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Dr Diana Beresford-Kroeger

Using Science and Celtic Wisdom to Save Trees (and Souls) from NY TimesPart I MERRICKVILLE, Ontario — There aren’t many scientists raised in the ways of druids by Celtic medicine women, but there is at least one. She lives in the woods of Canada, in a forest she helped grow. From there, wielding just a pencil, she has been working to save some of the oldest life-forms on Earth by bewitching its humans.

  • At a hale 77, Diana Beresford-Kroeger is a medical biochemist, botanist, organic chemist, poet, author and developer of artificial blood. But her main focus for decades now has been to telegraph to the world, in prose that is scientifically exacting yet startlingly affecting, the wondrous capabilities of trees.
    Dr. Beresford-Kroeger’s goal is to combat the climate crisis by fighting for what’s left of the great forests (she says the vast boreal wilderness that stretches across the Northern Hemisphere is as vital as the Amazon) and rebuilding what’s already come down. Trees store carbon dioxide and oxygenate the air, making them “the best and only thing we have right now to fight climate change and do it fast,” she said.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Saint Bernadette

The Casterot family lived in the Boly Mill in the poor town of Lourdes which lies in the foothills of the Pyrenees. When Father Casterot died, he left his wife and daughters with their home within this working flour mill. Mother Casterot was keen to marry her eldest daughter to a man who would maintain the family wealth by taking care of the mill, home and entire family - including her - and take her husband's place as head of the household. Francois Soubirous, a local mill worker was chosen to wed the eldest Casterot daughter, Bernarde. However, he refused her in favour of her younger sister, Louise, and despite the large age gap of 18 years, Mother Casterot agreed to the marriage though Bernarde had been groomed to be the matriarch of the family was slighted to be refused by this illiterate workman which lost her inheritance and power base. Bernarde owned a tavern and lived with Francois, who had rejected her, and her youngest sister, Louise, who had been chosen over her, and her mother, who had endorsed the marriage! Within an exact year, in 1843, a little girl was born, named Marie Bernarde, known as Bernardette. Within a few months of her birth, Louise burned herself so Bernadette was sent to a wet nurse in Bartres, a considerable journey from Lourdes. 

Thursday, 29 September 2022

St Michael

The name Michael means 'who is like God' and he was originally a Chaldean deity. He is most often depicted winged with an unsheathed sword. He is God's greatest warrior and slayer of the evil dragon. He is said to be the Viceroy of Heaven and to hold its keys. He ranks as the greatest of all angels and weighs the souls of the dead and holds in his hands, the scales of justice. He is the Archangel of Repentance and of Righteousness, Mercy and Sanctification. He is chief of the ranks of Virtues and the conqueror of Satan. He is the angel of death that leads the souls of the faithful to eternal light. 

His mystery name is 'Sabbathiel' He is credited as the author of the Psalm 85 and he is also credited with preventing Abraham from slaying his son, Isaac. The fire that Moses saw in the burning bush is said to be like Michael. Sarah and her husband Abraham were entertained unaware that they were, in fact, in the company of angels, not men. 

Monday, 21 March 2022

How to Chair Meetings

The role of the Chair is to ensure the agenda for constructive plans are discussed and carried out and also to ensure the accurate recording of the meeting. Any correspondence is given at the start of the meeting. If there is too much on the agenda, the Chair decides what are the most important matters to discuss. The Chair also decides the limits of the discussion, and returns the meeting to the topic whenever someone strays. She/he insists only one person speaks at a time, and that everyone understands what is being said and why. Matters adjourned from previous meetings are dealt with. The Chair identifies problems, supports an exchange of ideas, evaluates alternatives, and selects a course of action usually by consensus, majority vote, by unanimity, or by the Chair’s decision. Who? When? Where? How? Questions are asked. The minutes of the meeting must be typed as soon as possible after the meeting and the Chair must check they are correct and make sure they are circulated to all members. The Chair makes essential and emergency decisions between committee meetings and helps workers deal with difficult situations. The Chair must check themselves for personal bias at all times and act as spokesperson for the committee, not themselves. Usually the Chair is elected in some democratic way at an annual general meeting usually for a fixed period, such as 3 or 5 years.
It is the role of all other positions within the group to see that the Chair does their role properly. 

Friday, 4 March 2022


Healing is the art of transference of power. It is extremely ancient, and existed in all ancient cultures and societies. The healer is a person who links to this power through a variety of means, sometimes through touch, sometimes through the mind alone. Animals and children and those who are in a coma can receive healing and anyone, even non believers can receive it. During the healing time, you might feel something, or you might not. If your don't feel anything it does not mean that the healing hasn't worked. The experience is usually relaxing and requires nothing of you. You could even be elsewhere or might not even know that healing is being sent to you. Sometimes, only one session is required, sometimes many sessions. No one can guarantee that healing works, or how it might work. Often results are not what are expected. Healing is not an 'instead of' treatment your doctor will provide, but a 'complimentary' treatment which is in addition to your doctor's advice and recommendations. Many healers do not charge money for their healing expertise and time. You can discontinue your healing sessions whenever you wish. Many healers are trained and registered and abide by particular conditions and codes of conduct.

 One of the best books on the subject of healing is ‘Healing Into Life and Death’ by Stephen Levine. Stephen has many years of experience working with people with many types of illness. He is a counsellor and meditation teacher, and has worked extensively with terminally ill patients in the Hanuman Foundation Dying Project where he is a director, and has also worked with prominent specialists, such as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.  

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Questions and Answers from postbag

Dear Wendy: Where is Troyes and is it important historically? Micky Mac
Dear Mickey: Troyes in Champagne region of France, is a city built on a very early Christian martyr holy site. It is at a strategic cross roads, and was known for sheep rearing and for its early goods fair. Bernard of Clairvaux was from this region which was a hot spot of culture, chivalry and Knights Templar activity. The Count of Champagne asked the Tironesian builders to found a school of architecture in Chartres. The St Clair family originated in Champagne region, and the Tironesians had a connection to Scotland and Rosslyn Chapel. 

Dear Wendy: Can ghosts be stopped from haunting? If so, how can this be done? Kat Bishop Adel, West Yorkshire

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

2022 Year of the Water Tiger

1st February 2022 New Year’s Day

 2022 is the year of the Tiger. The colour for this year is orange.

Chinese Astrology

China was one of the earliest civilisations with many quality items, such as silks and fine pottery, traded via the 4,000 miles of the ‘silk route’. Chinese astrology was first recorded in writing about 2,500 years ago and would have been taught in the caravans and camel trains across Asia to Eastern Europe. Like many astrology signs, there are 12 annual Chinese constellations. They are all animals. There is a traditional story that the Jade Emperor called for all the animals of the country and told them they must race each other to the Heavenly Gate in the sky. Rat awoke very early and on his way, he encountered a swift flowing river. Then he noticed Ox about to cross and so he jumped into Ox's back. The lumbering Ox crossed the river easily and so Rat jumped off and won the race because he was cunning. Ox was second because of his diligence. Tiger came third, then Rabbit. Both are fast and competitive, but Tiger was a better swimmer. Rabbit got across by hopping on stepping stones and a floating log. The stunning Dragon was fifth and was immediately noticed by the Jade Emperor, who wanted Dragon's son to be sixth. But Dragon's son wasn't there that day and Snake heard this and said Dragon was his adoptive father; so Snake ranked sixth. Horse and Goat then arrived because they were kind and each let the other go first. The Jade Emperor saw how polite Horse and Goat were and ranked them seventh and eighth. Monkey had fallen behind but he jumped between trees and stones, and came in ninth. Last were Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Finally, all twelve arrived to become esteemed guards of the Heavenly Gate. Each year is devoted to the twelve in this order. Added to these annual animal constellations are the yin and yang polarities and five elements of metal, water, wood, fire and earth. 
