Sunday 19 July 2020

Psychic Development

Milton gave honour to his muse, Urania, Goddess of Astronomy. 

Everyone has psychic abilities of which there are many kinds. Whether you think the psychic world is a place from which Spirits communicates, or whether you think it is our Higher Self making contact, the ability to access guidance is possible especially when you cease to try!

There are three main types of abilities, described as psychic because they are outside the ‘normal’ range. There is no hierarchy.

Seeing a vision of the spirit world or a symbol is called clairvoyance (this means clear seeing and is sometimes called ‘second sight’)

Hearing words from the spirit world which is called, clairaudience (this means clear hearing)

Feeling sensation somewhere in the body related to contact from the spirit world is called clairsentience (this means clear feeling). Sometimes, this  ability can be akin to a ‘knowing’ on an intellectual level and is also referred to as claircognisance, that is clear knowledge or awareness. 
