Thursday, 30 January 2025
Perfume Part Two
Monday, 27 January 2025
The Cosmic Dancer - A Poem
Once, I ran from fear...
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Findhorn Press
I enjoyed reading a book “Healing With Past life Therapy by Lorraine Flaherty, a transformational therapist who has developed her own particular healing method, described in this book. There is a lot of meaty information, questions and answers, and many case studies, but the book also has dozens of exercises in self development, including clearing obstacles to success, clearing spirit attachments, and methods to reach your full potential. Here is one to discover your life purpose.
Make a list of things that make you feel proud and good to be alive, eg., exams you passed; your driving test; your home; getting a job you liked; cooking a meal; winning a prize; maintaining a relationship; going on holiday, etc. Then ask yourself: Who am I? What do I like and dislike? Have I been here before and why am I here? Was any kind of life mission decided for me? What did I daydream about when I was a child? What, who and where are my greatest loves? What am I passionate about and why? What could be my life purpose? Did I agree to perform a responsibility or duty before I was born? Where is my Soul Group? Are they with me now? Have I met a soulmate or soulmates? Who are these people? Why are they here? How can I be the best version of myself in this life? What can I do to help this planet Earth?
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Thursday, 16 January 2025
weight loss video
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Siege Perilous
I’m sitting in The Angel public house today in Sun Street, Waltham Abbey, with Dave, my husband, and the conversation moves to the Grail. I was speaking about this creative and inspired story, the item being a grail or platter. Beginning with Chretien de Troyes, whose name means Christian (though I was reading about Bernadette of Lourdes last week who was thought to be a cagot and some believe that Chretien was also one of this despised and Untouchable community.
Well, we can learn from fiction as much as fact, and this story is a strange fantasy. Where does it begin? It is circular and the end returns to the place where it begins many times, but we began by talking about Arthur’s Round Table, and how the knights of old, after many battles and tournaments, were despondent, exhausted and infirm. Their lands were devastated and the people struggled to survive. Around the great table, these knights solemnly erected a seat at their table. They placed a sign above the seat. This was the Siege Perilous, a seat named by Merlin for only the noblest and the holiest, upon which all their hopes depended.
A reading from the Star Tarot
Card number 6 from the Star Tarot is titled The Lovers and here it is given a subtitle of 'The Sacred Marriage' and 'The Healing Union'.
The Lovers is a complicated and multifaceted key. The traditional ideas surrounding it deal with adolescence and sexual discovery, free will, empowerment, making choices and forging bonds. The modern approach takes these aspects and unites them with one's inner mascline and inner feminine to create a balanced personality. Internal struggles betwen dualities can create negativity that projects outwardly ie if there are polarities in the inner life then there will be conflicts in outer relationships. Love sensuality and sexuality can be very transformative if we are aware of our patterns and create a place of balance from which to relate. A loving and committed union with another person can increase one's understanding of life, creation, and renewal, bringing both partners closer to their soul self and one with the Divine. The Lover's card's gift is emotional healing from the sacred marriage within that brings a solid loving relationship into your life and into the life of your partner. 6 is the number of balance, harmony, completion, integration and transformation. These gifts are not automatic but need to be created through attention, understanding and commitment of both parties.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Witch Bottles
Thursday, 9 January 2025
The 3 of Cups - Dali Tarot
Understanding your own emotions. Because the card reminds us of the three graces, the three Norns (the Norse goddesses), and the three wishes of many fairytales, it leads us to the cosmic wisdom exemplified by the saying “all good things come in threes”. The blue palm trees and the blue grotto point towards bliss, enchantment, and great joy. Life will become a feast if you go beyond yourself and learn to retain your emotional independence, even in the company of others.
This card is all about the quality of your feelings. The nudity of figures represent beauty and naturalness. Symbolically, it encourages honesty and at the same time warns of insolence (shamelessness and lack of culture). The red forms in the upper corners can be interpreted as a curtain that can be drawn across, obscuring the appreciation and gratitude required to fully know what this card reveals. On the left and right sides, two springs gush, representing the inconsistencies of emotional life.
FREE healing meditation
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Wassailing and 12th Night
There is an ancient tradition to carry good cheer to the community at Christmastide. This is a party for friends to gather around a jug of punch, cider, mead or mulled wine. It in some spices into the liquid. Raise your glass and drink to today! Dress up in bright colours and carry a sprig of Rosemary.
On 12th night after Christmas Eve, take a bowl or jug filled with cider, toasted bread, any flowers you can find in the garden, and ginger and cinnamon. Sprinkle the liquid with a sprig of Rosemary on to the fruit trees saying “Here’s to thee, old fruit tree! And when thou Mayes blossom and blow, hat’s full, and cap’s full and my own pockets too. Peace and goodness be among you”.
Friday, 3 January 2025
So many of the good things in life happen within our boundaries, and many of the bad things are outside our boundaries. Boundaries govern many things about our life and the quality of it. Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership. Knowing what I own and take responsibility for gives me freedom. If I know where my yard begins and ends, I’m free to do what I like with it. Taking responsibility form my life opens up many different options. However, if I do not own my life, my choices and my options become very limited. With boundaries, we keep the good in and the bad out. Our boundaries can be walls, fences, and gates that open and close. Boundary help us to correctly respond to pressure, when others manipulate, oh when we feel duty-bound. It’s very good to allow others to see where they stand with your personal boundaries. A lack of boundaries is often due to Loving too much. A boundary invasion causes anger. We must also be aware of trespassing on other peoples boundaries.
A card for 2025
Renewal card, 20 from Angel Wisdom Tarot by Radleigh Valentine. Archangel Jeremiah is known for helping us review our situation so we can choose the path we will take next. He is the Archangels of dreams and visions. He is often called upon to re-evaluate the past and envision the future.
Discuss your thoughts and feelings honestly with those you love. We are invited to question what next? This is a time for review and reflection. Where have you come from? Where are you now? Where do you want to be? This is your time to prepare for a bright future, the best it can be! As with any quest, we need to be able to clearly visualise where we want to go. We can’t just accidentally arrive there. We need a spiritual map of the journey. Envision your happiest and most productive future. Bring the law of attraction to its zenith of power in your life, and when you have it figured out then, and only then, take action. Until that time, peacefully develop the awareness of flashes of inspiration and original creative ideas. These epiphanies are part of our life purpose, and are meant to guide us on our way to joy. Possibilities for 2025. A job or career change. An important milestone. A call to fulfil your destiny.
2025 The Year of 9
2025 is number 9, the most spiritual number available to us. It is a year to develop new understanding, compassion and perception. It is the number of the muses, whose creativity and intelligence reveals what is hidden and will help us realise what is new and good and pursue these. It is a year of great importance for the planet and its species, for our physical and mental health awareness, for political activism, and it will be an heavy year for all kinds of change-makers and thought-leaders.
Wednesday, 1 January 2025
New Year Folk Song