Sunday, 30 June 2024
Spiritualism Part One
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Ladder of Learning
There are 4 stages of the ladder of Learning.
Unconsciously unskilled
Consciously unskilled
Consciously skilled
Unconsciously skilled
7 Habits
Personal Mission Statement:
Succeed at home first. Seek divine help. Never compromise with honesty. Remember the people involved. Hear both sides before judging. Obtain the counsel of others. Defend those who are absent. Be sincere yet decisive. Develop one brand-new proficiency a year. Plan tomorrow’s work today. Hassle while you wait. Maintain a positive attitude. Keep a sense of humour. Be orderly in person and in work. Do not fear mistakes, only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes. Facilitate the success of subordinates. A listen twice as much as you speak.
These Are The Hands - A Poem
By Michael Rosen
These are the hands That touch us first
Feel your head Find the pulse
And make your bed.
These are the hands That tap your back
Test the skin Hold your arm Wheel the bin
Change the bulb Fix the drip Pour the jug Replace your hip.
Convergent & Divergent Thinking
There are two types of thinking:
Invocation of the Graces
Gaelic Blessing for a Young Girl
I bathe the palms in showers of wine, in the lustral fire, in the seven elements, in the juice of the rasps, in the milk of honey, and I place the nine pure choice graces in thy fair fond face, the grace of form, the grace of voice, the grace of fortune, the grace of goodness, the grace of wisdom, the grace of charity, the grace of choice maidenliness, the grace of whole-souled loveliness, the grace of goodly speech.
Circus - A Story
“When I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. In front of us there were eight children, probably under the age of 12. The way they were dressed, you could tell they didn't have a lot of money. The children were well-behaved, standing in line behind their parents. They were excited about the acts they would be seeing.
Journey of the Soul Extract
In all my transactions today, I intend them to come from a place of love within me, to a place of love within others. From a place of honesty in myself to a place of honesty within others. From my integrity to the integrity of others. From a place of openness, as I respect the rights of all living things. I intend to be gentle, kind and forgiving. I intend to be aware of the wonders of the universe and to greet them all with gratitude and awe. And I welcome whatever flows into my life to teach me today, and to listen to the conversation that the universe is trying to have with me. I intend to be inspired, to have joy, to be grateful for all that I have in my life, and for every opportunity I’m given. I intend to use my intuition and all my other spiritual gifts in all transactions today and to help wherever I can, even if that help is in standing still and doing nothing, or letting go of someone I love. I intend for peace and harmony, and that, wherever I can make restitution, I shall have the courage and willingness to do so. I intend to live my humanity and divinity simultaneously today and move further along my path to enlightenment. I dedicate my life to love, to peace, to harmony, to healing, to teaching, to my spiritual growth, and the spiritual growth of others.
Monday, 24 June 2024
Midsummer Thoughts
St John’s Day is a fire festival, three fires are created, one of bone (the bonfire), one of wood (the wake fire) and one of bone and wood (the fire of St John). Goatsbeard and masterwork used to be made into crosses, but crosses can also be made from hypericum branches. It is a day to bathe in the water of holy springs (I used to bring home water from the springs in Springfield Park, from my mother’s home in Glengarriff, or from my local spring at the Elizabethan Hunting Lodge, and put the water in with my bath water with some Hypericum flowers!
It is a day to collect fennel, rue, rosemary, lemon verbena, mallow, laburnum seeds, foxgloves, and elderflower to make an incense/smoke sticks that are said to repel all evil. Yarrow is also burned, a herb sometimes used for the I Ching divination. It is likely that the red antibiotic juice of Hypericum was used by the Knights of St John, where it’s common name, Wort of St John could have originated. The Wort of St John is a medicinal plant that blooms at midsummer when the feast of the Baptist is celebrated often by ecstatic dancing, carnival processions and costumes as the plant is also known to have antidepressant qualities. St John is known as the Sacred Clown possibly because of his wild living style of wearing goatskin and eating locusts and honey and crying out for repentance and to prepare the way for the messiah.
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Psychic Discovery - Free YouTube Video
Find out if you are clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairsentient by listening to this video.
Do not drive or operate machinery. You might experience relaxation and a light trance state. Make yourself comfortable. Ensure you will not be interrupted for 15 minutes. This is your time to relax and enjoy the inner world of spirit. Written by Wendy Stokes, presented by Dawn Ramsey of The Shakra Centre.
If Nobody Smiled - A Poem
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Shrines of France - A Visit
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Sunday, 16 June 2024
Peter Pan
Who was Peter Pan?
Peter had grandiose tendencies, and lack of care for others, showing a lack of empathy and understanding for other people. These traits make him a danger to himself and others.
Wendy met him for the first time when he was sobbing on the nursery floor. He couldn’t attach his shadow and denied that he had been crying, soon persuading himself that he had never cried.
Peter deals with emotional conflict by pleasing himself at all times. Everything is either all good or all bad and he does not recognise the grey areas of life. This is a defence mechanism. On meeting Wendy, he declared that mothers are ‘very overrated’ and that he had not the slightest desire to have one, although his vulnerability was apparent. While denying his need for mother, he appears on a deep level to realise he and the lost boys (a group of male children who have fallen from their prams and ended up in Neverland), need some kind of nurturing relationship, one that traditionally a mother would provide.
He manipulates Wendy by suggesting that girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams and that one girl is worth more than 20 boys! It is interesting to note that in making such comments he was appealing to her vanity, a trait that is strong in him. He persuades her to go to Neverland, a place where there are no responsible adults and the children run wild.
Medicine & Spirituality Congress Review
Postbag: Questions and Answers
Dear Kris, Across the world, from ancient religions to the New Age, all believe that the adoption of spiritual values in your everyday life is the best way to walk a spiritual path. Generosity, honesty, humility, kindness and tranquillity are the basis, and to avoid jealousy, greed, egotism and manipulation, make the world a better place. This is all we need to do to be a spiritual person.
Dear Wendy,This may seem a strange question to ask someone connected with a spiritual magazine but can you honestly say with hand on heart that you believe we don’t die? Kate Brown, Lingford, Norfolk
Saturday, 15 June 2024
What does meditation do? Meditation strengthens our concentration and allows clearer thinking. It reduces stress and tensions, relieves frustration and anger. It lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. It helps us to realise our addictions and obsessions and helps us to relieve them. We can gain greater creativity. It helps us with understanding ourselves and develops greater resilience to illness. You will have more joy and appreciation. You will develop greater intimacy with others, more being the real you and less falseness and lack on congruency.
How to: Find a quiet place, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take some deep breaths, allow your breathing to return to normal, and relax your body. Choose a word or phrase that is especially personal and meaningful. Breathe through your nose and repeat the word or phrase. Continue for five minutes.
Friday, 14 June 2024
Famous Superstitions - Part 1
Wednesday, 12 June 2024
Homeless Dog Adoption
Canine rehoming centres are full of homeless dogs this winter. Many were very expensive to buy as puppies, the most fashionable breeds cost up to £2,000!
These, once loved dogs, can end up homeless for many reasons; those who bought a dog during lockdown are now returning to work and are not at home for long hours all during the week, and the increase in the cost of living, so the high cost of some dogs can no longer be afforded. Big dogs cost more to keep than smaller dogs and this means that larger dogs wait longer to find an new owner.
What to look for when adopting a dog from a rehoming centre: First, research the needs of the breed - most have special needs of some kind. Some breeds are not easy to train, some can never be let off the lead, some need huge amounts of exercise, some need visits to parlours for clipping, etc., some struggle in the heat, some shed hair and might cause allergies, some are guard dogs and bark a lot, maybe too much for neighbours, some need expensive vet treatment if they have genetic illnesses. The rehoming staff will be able to advise on these matters and on any emotional needs, such as a dog that is unhappy to be left for long periods alone, or feels anxious around other dogs.
Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Monday, 10 June 2024
Steve Hutton - An Interview
"I grew up near Leeds, West Yorkshire, enjoying a childhood that spanned the 1970s. Drawing was always important to me and from an early age. I wanted to be an illustrator, even before I knew what the work entailed. Art and illustration were the subjects I studied after I left school, culminating with a MA in 1998. My early commissions were illustrating reading schemes for Oxford University Press and that started a twenty year-long working relationship with primary schools across the UK, running workshops for pupils. Later, I wanted to develop my figure drawing skills, so I dedicated my spare time to creating my own fictional characters and magical world, and the narrative these inspired, snowballed into my first fantasy novel, "Raven's Wand", and from there, I produced a book series. These days, I split my time between writing and drawing, and when possible, getting out to walk the hills nearby.
A Channelled Message
Sunday, 9 June 2024
Channelled Messages
Lions Led by Donkeys
The last soldiers went over the top at 4:20 am on the 11th of November 1918. The armistice was signed at 5 am in a railway carriage in the forest of companion in France. Then, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the guns of Europe fell silent. The great war was over. On that morning alone there were 10,944 casualties and 2,738 deaths on the Western Front. The following year, King George V issued a proclamation which called for two minute silence. “All locomotion should cease so that, in perfect stillness, the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on the referent remembrance of the glorious dead.” Each year since then at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the two minute silence is observed by the Royal British Legion and in Commonwealth countries remembering the end of the First World War. A million from Britain, 6 million worldwide.
Pals battalions were recruited in World War I so men could fight alongside their friends, work colleagues and neighbours. The impact of heavy losses from these battalions can still be seen on memorials in workplaces and schools today. Whole communities lost their sons and fathers.