Sunday 22 September 2024


Notre Dame de Chartres, is the finest example of gothic cathedral architecture. 1194-1260 It is dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus. 

Usually cathedrals took 25 to 50 years to build, and many were added to over the centuries. The towers of Chartress have tall taper spires. The south tower is the oldest. The north tower is slimmer and more complex and intricate. Portals of the west are elaborately decorated, have symmetry and clarity. The nave is 130 feet long, 53 feet wide, and 122 feet high. There are 175 glass panels from the Middle Ages dedicated to the Queen of Heaven. Mary is the multi foliate rose of the rose window. She sits enthroned in Majesty on the high altar. The skull of Saint Anne and the veil of Mary were given to Charlemagne by the Byzantine Empress Irene and are said to have been treasures of This cathedral. In the north tympanum, the magi are seen lying asleep under a cover. 

When Joseph Campbell was 26 years old, he visited Chartres, and as he entered the Royal Portal and walked towards the labyrinth, the organist began playing Bach’s Tocata. He stepped up to the bell tower to ring the bells. He identified every biblical figure in the stained glass and in sculpture! What an experience. 

The ground plan of a Christian building reveals its preparation by the sign of the cross, which points to the first stone upon which Jesus built his church. And the Medieval Freemasons have symbolically followed the divine example. But before this hewn stone is dressed, the rough, impure, gross and unpolished stone was often given the image of the devil.

Notre Dame of Paris possessed a similar hieroglyph, situated under the rood screen, at the corner of the choir rail. It was a figure of the devil, opening an enormous mouth in which the faithful extinguish their candles. That’s the sculpture block of stone which was marked with streaks of candle grease and blackened with smoke. The common people called the image Master Peter of the corner. Now this stone, which is intended to represent the first matter of the work, personified under the aspect of Lucifer (the star) which was the symbol of our cornerstone, the headstone of the corner - the stone which the builders rejected which has been made the headstone of the corner, on which rests the whole structure of the building. 

The churches of Sens, Rheims, Auxerre, St Quentin, Poitiers and Bayeux preserved their labyrinths. And Amiens and Chartres.



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