Saturday 11 November 2023

Rape in a War Zone

War Rape is not a violation that is exclusively committed against women alone. Many men are also raped in war, usually by an object, rarely by another man. 

There are manifold long term consequences of war rape are both psychological and physical: the inability to trust, self contempt, panic attacks, inability to sleep, a contracted disease, frigidity, life long pain due to permanent trauma, disability, ill-health, for women possible pregnancy. 

Some develop inappropriate sexual activity which is a reaction formation as they hope that by repeating the situation that they can address feelings of helplessness and heal what was traumatised and gain control where they had none. Some develop deep feelings of rage for the violent injustice that was carried out against them. Many raped women experience rejection and isolation by their family members, friends and those in positions of power. They are left without any support system. They feel guilt, shame and degradation that this happened to them. Any pregnancy is distressing. When a woman carries the genes of her abuser, rejection from the community is usual. She knows that neither she nor the child is guilty of any crime. Half the genes of the baby are her own, and for this reason, she often carries, bears, nurses, weans and teaches the child, though many commit suicide rather than bring an enemy's child into the world. 

How is it for the men of her community as they are left to rear an enemy's child and to provide for it in conditions where their own children do not have sufficient? Sadly, the innocent offspring of such sexual assaults can suffer immeasurably. Rape as an act of war aggression destroys the victim, their family, their community and the effects will cause resentment for generations. 

Article by Wendy Stokes First publish in Kashmir News International Spring 2000

Rape In England is a crime that is considered second in seriousness to murder! Due to its seriousness, it carries a life sentence but only a small percentage of cases are ever reported and of these a tiny proportion get to court for a possible conviction. Women fear rape more than any other crime. They carry shriek alarms, pay for taxis, stay away from certain areas, and are nervous when alone, even in their own homes. If a woman is raped, she can ask to see a female police officer trained specially to deal with this sensitive crime. She can also ask to see a female doctor for examination, receive free counselling and can sometimes be re-housed. Visits are free to genito-urinary clinics and women are available in every hospital for examinations and treatments for infection and/or possible pregnancy.  Any pregnancy that results from rape can be freely aborted. Paternity can be proved through DNA testing that would help to identify the perpetrator. 

Throughout all time, and in all cultures, rape has been used as a tool of hatred and control. But this abuse affects not only women, but children and men, though women and children suffer most, by far. If the girl is a young virgin, in some cultures, she would be unable to marry and therefore need to be taken care of by her family for life. If she is married, in some cultures, she could be resented by her husband through no fault of her own. Many female victims of rape never speak about the crime even though they might have permanent internal damage, may carry infection, may have suffered brutality, and may even be unable to bear a child. If she is carrying a child, the nine months can be distressing,. 

Written for: Women Against Rape (WAR) P O Box 287, London NW6 5QU 


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