Sunday 10 September 2023

The Dream of Cybele - A Story

It was a scramble to the cavern. We had been told of the pitfalls and given good instructions as to the position and size of the entrance. I had grazed my hand and the stinging continued as I neared the cave mouth. As I walked within, the blackness consumed me. There was uneven rock and gravel underfoot. I was amazed how clearly I could hear my laboured breathing and the rapid pulse of my heartbeat. The sound seemed amplified and the reverberation echoed around what could only be a vast chamber. I could smell the scent if wood smoke, slightly perfumed with pine resin. I reached out to touch the side walls. they were cold and smooth and hard, like frozen ice. I shivered in the chill air. As i took a few tentative steps forward, my eyes accustomed to the darkness. Within the cavern were extraordinary shapes, huge columns from floor to roof space - great mountains of rock with strange colours and hues. 

I was startled by the sight of a human form in the middle distance. It was majestic and magnificent and I moved with anticipation toward the figure, searching my pocket for my torch which lit the vast arena, and to my utter amazement, I saw the figure move. My heart beat wildly and within moments, the torch flicked and died. I took a few deep breaths and listened. There was no sound. I gave myself courage as I took a few further steps. Trying my torch again, it lit up as clear as daylight. There she was sitting upon a throne, richly ornamented. Her face was fine and proud and her pale skin shone smoothly and translucently, Her gown was very grand and upon her head was a crown, rich with jewels. 

Strangely, I recall, I swooned and dropped to my knees. What took place then was beyond my understanding, for, I believe she spoke to me. We conversed, I and she, and she told me things, important, remarkable and wonderful things which others will never know and I will never forget nor reveal. She informed me if I should swear allegiance to her that I will receive my heart's desire. 

I have returned to the cave many times, but, alas! I have been unable to find her. Sometimes, as my heavy breathing echos around the ampitheatre of the cave, I hear strange whispering and I know that she is present. I know one day she will appear to me again and i shall never leave her side, for the sight of her is my greatest love and one for which I would pledge my life. 

By Wendy Stokes Click on the hyperlink: 

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