Tuesday 12 September 2023

Avalon Oracle of the Day

Avalon Oracle of the Day - LOVE. "This love card relates to the relationship you have with yourself, lover, friend or your family."

Love is the ultimate creative power that lives within us all. It may be so often buried under pain, anger, jealousy and circumstances we have allowed to over shadow us, but ultimately, the flame of love is eternally burning inside us. We must learn to embrace Love for when we do, our relationship with ourselves improves and in so doing it automatically improves the ones we have with others around us.

We often look at relationships and see them as difficult, hard work, overpowering, unyielding, one sided, imperfect. We see idolized relationships on fictitious shows on TV and wish ours was the same. We want someone else to be more loving, outgoing, helpful, caring etc., etc.,. And so we must ask ourselves, are we all those things we want from someone else, to ourselves ? are we loving, caring, helpful towards ourselves ? Do we give time and effort to ourselves ? When we love ourselves unconditionally, this cultivates an unconditionally loving energy towards others.

Being in Nature will help us understand and reconnect to our own internal flame of love. If you can do so outside, so much the better, but even sitting by an open window or door, you can close your eyes and reach out into Nature, feel your connection to all living things, the birds, insects, animals, the elements - Air, Water, Fire through the warmth of the Sun, the rain and wind, and of course to our Mother Earth, be brave and put your bare feet on the cold grass and before long the warmth of Mother Earth warms your feet. Feel the life force within every living thing, within the elements. that life force is the eternal flow of Love, and it flows through us too. Feel that life force pulsing inside you. Allow your mind, your heart and your soul to merge with the elements, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon. Feel yourself part of the flow of the rivers and streams. Feel the deepness of the lakes and the crisp Air of the mountain tops.

Hold the visions and feeling of all creation and remember you are part of the imperfect yet immaculate creation, you have that life force, that Love, flowing through your own veins like the rivers and streams flow around Mother Earth.
Breathe deeply, slowly and breathe in the wonder and beauty and love of Nature all around you. Breathe in the universe, the cosmos, the stardust from which you are made. And tell yourself "I am one with all creation, I am all that is and I am loved"
With Love and Magickal Blessings, Avalon Whitefeather )O(

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