Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Postbag

Dear Wendy, can you provide a Christmas meal prayer please, Jenny S.

Dear Jenny, this is my suggestion, change it as you would like to!

I call upon the Godhead of all names and none, as I give thanks to those who grew, transported, prepared, packaged and sold the food and prepared and cooked it for today. Especially I give thanks for any animals that were involved in food production. I ask that the food is blessed so I can eat with love and honour, and can enjoy every mouthful and pray that it will renew and revive my health with good quality nourishment. I give thanks for my life and remember those who have not survived to celebrate this day. I remember those without food, comfort and kindness as we celebrate Christ’s birthday, as he was the one who said ‘Do unto others as you would be done by’. Amen. 

Dear Wendy, can you explain the first verse of the carol of ‘Once in David’s Royal City’? Myra 

Dear Myra, it is said that King David hailed from Bethlehem, but before he was the first ever King of the Jews, he was a shepherd who guarded his sheep on the Bethlehem hillside. The carol refers to the New Testament which tells us that Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem as they were descendants of King David, in order to pay their taxes there, and it was in Bethlehem that Jesus was born. David cared for new born lambs that would be taken to the Jerusalem Temple for sacrifice for the remission of sins. When Mary had her first child - the boy Jesus- she placed him in a feeding trough, wrapping him in swaddling clothes, like a pure and precious new born lamb. An angel went to tell the shepherds that the prophecied messiah had been born, and they went to see him in the stable. It has been said that John the Baptist's father was the High Priest of the Jerusalem Temple. 

What are the words of the Magic Lamp? Sherry M

And Beyond, Beyond, from a world past hope and fear, I bid you genie to appear!

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