Tuesday 30 July 2024

Healing & wellbeing with Tarot

Since the dawn of recorded history, healing has been considered a magical art. Healing was a secret  known by shamans, medicine women and men, priestesses and priests, and the wise people whose knowledge was handed down the generations. Many people went on pilgrimages and learnt about the plants that grew by the wayside, how to cure a fever, attend to cuts, blisters, etc., and how to care for the animals that accompanied them on their journey. We know from ancient texts that the Egyptians knew many remedies for illnesses. Originally Egypt was called the Land of Khem, because they knew how to create and use chemicals. To gain more knowledge about their use, the alchemists of the Middle Ages were prepared to risk their own lives. 

Today, we know a great deal about health care; we are told daily to cut salt, sugar and fat from our diet, take exercise, avoid over indulgence in alcohol, and long term stresses. Regular daily mindfulness and meditation are shown to provide increased concentration and greater relaxation. They can also help to deal with the difficulties that present themselves to us through bereavement, disappointments, poor health and relationship breakdowns. 

Turning negative experiences into positive ones shows our resourcefulness in times of crisis. If we can find a purpose and meaning in life, we can be more fulfilled and successful on a personal level. Life can be heaven or it can be hell, all according to how we master everyday difficulties. We must solve problems and have gratitude, and make the best of what we have. We can make life hard for ourselves and others or, if we want to have a good life, we can care for ourselves and for others in every way possible. 

As we look through the cards, we find they are signposts to help develop self care. We see power issues, love relationships, self empowerment, joys, enchantments, aspirations, struggles, and hurts that we identify with ourselves and can see others go through these stages too. We recall the words of the Bible ‘to everything there is season and a time for every purpose under heaven’. We find pointers and recognise when we are in a waiting time, unable to move forward and when we need courage, truth, justice, support, compassion and peace. We see distinctive personality types, and we are reminded of daily responsibilities, weaknesses and strengths. We can be warned about not only events but how we deal with them with maturity, sincerity, ethics and with care for ourselves and others. Daily, we are confronted by our shadow selves, in good and bad times, and working through these we grow ever more aware, ever more enlightened. By working with the cards, we learn more about life and how we can develop spiritual values, such as altruism and service to others. 

These points are of conscious reference and are all related through the Major and Minor Arcana, which are a wellspring of wisdom in the hands of an experienced reader. Another aspect of the healing mysteries can be achieved through revealing the wonders of the unconscious mind. In Egypt and Greece, there were healing sanctuaries to assist with quality rest and productive dreams. Sleep and dreams are governed within the realm of the Moon, the reflective, changing, and mysterious night light that can shine bright or hide beyond the clouds. Drawing this card provides the greatest opportunity to develop spiritual maturity. It is the card of mystery, illusion and the unconscious mind that can shed light on hidden truths, grounded reality, and the consciousness of life’s most important realisations. 

The Anubis Oracle by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf describes the Egyptian jackal headed Anubis as the god of the Underworld (which is also the inner world). He is the swift footed deity that is at the weighing of our hearts against a feather after death. He is the Opener of the Ways and the god of Surrender. This energy is an ever faithful companion, a loving ally, a stalwart protector who assists our ego death in the renewal of our sound’s highest purpose. Within this godhead are spiritual principles that guard and guide us through the day and night, through light and dark, outer and inner, and through life and death. His purposes are to bring both spiritual and material gifts for humanity. This is the key that will open the heart and mind, and reveal the inner workings of the soul. This energy designates grounding and responsibility and is caretaker to the Otherworld. You are invited to open the door to wisdom and wonder! 

For working with Tarot for personal growth and self development, I am recommending Holistic Tarot, a book by Benebell Wen. For a positive leaning and loving Tarot deck, try Tarot of the Angels by Giordano Bruno with illustrator Arturo Picca. 

Full moon dates for June: July: August: Sept: 

By Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk

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