Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Isis Hymn - Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Free Healing youtube video
Isis was the most powerful Goddess of Ancient Egypt. She was the Goddess of healing, compassion and equality. For thousands of years, she was known throughout Egypt and her fame spread to Greece, Rome and to Britain.
HYMN TO ISIS: Silver-footed One, come to me with quiet steps - in the temple of my heart, lift up Thy voice, and call my name that I may know Thee and rejoice in Thy presence. In my sadness, comfort me, in my happiness, share with me. At my birth, Thou wast there, at my death, wait for me. Most glorious of woman, most tender of mothers, I am Thy Handmaiden, bless me. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Holy Grail Part Three

A chivalric exponent wrote 3 books about the Chivilric code in the hope of reviving French knighthood. In the ‘Book of Chivilry’, keeping peace was paramount, and it says any knight who failed in his duties “deserves to have his teeth pulled out one by one”! 

Tournaments carried the oriflamme banner, the royal standard at the Battle of Poitiers where Geoffrey de Charny (1300-1356) died. 

What was dubbing? It was an accolade of knighthood. It involved giving a blow with the hand or a strike with the flat of the sword in church. The knight would confess his sins to the priest, take a bath and spent the night in vigil. 

Creating Your Oracle Deck

A proposal to a publisher needs to include what qualifies you to write the deck (your journey), and why you have chosen your illustrator and what media the illustrator works in. What is a typical purchaser or seeker for this deck. Describe them! Why did you chose the theme? In what way will the cards help with life’s problems, what type of guidance is described, what type of  direction or life path? Any omissions or gaps in the overall theme package or have you worked with it sufficiently to know it covers sufficiently the theme?. Upright only or upright and reversed meaning given. Backs of cards, mirror images on backs or not? How many images have been produced and how far along you are with writing the book. How many images still to produce? Most important in your proposal, is how you intend to promote the deck when published, eg., use it yourself for client readings, have a website, promote it on your YouTube channel, promote it on your blog, etc. For beginner or experienced reader? For self or others? Any other similar deck on the market? What is your USP? Do you have suggestion for packaging, such as a mat or bag? 

Cards: image, title, subtitle, white border? Astrology, Kabbalah, symbolism, metaphor, elements, numerology, etc.

The guidebook should include:

The importance of the theme and the benefits. How to use the cards? Blessed? Prepared? How stored? How shuffled? How laid out? Titles for Spreads. Sample reading for one or two spreads. Upright meanings only or reversed also? Alphabetical order? Title, subtitle, keywords, affirmation, symbolism meaning, divinatory guidance, channelled message. Additions could be ritual, exercise, creative activity. 

Friday, 1 November 2024


In the old Celtic calendar, November is the beginning of the New Year, the time of new beginnings, as the day began at nightfall, and the seed begins life in the dark soil. The moon lends itself to this, dark and then a crescent emerging in the early days and becoming full on 15th. This month honours the ancestors, those brave and resourceful people who have gone on the Great Journey before us, each living until adulthood and bearing children of whom we are one. These are the Hallows and Saints of the early days of the month. In ancient times, this was the 9th month, the time of greatest spirituality of the year. Animals were killed and salted and stored for winter; it was a time of preparation and many chose to renew commitments and make new plans at this time. 

The autumn season is one of rich colour and beauty, as we say goodbye to the warmth of summer and embrace lengthening nights of the colder months. We welcome the Angel I have chosen to accompany us through this month, Adnachiel, the Truth Seeker, whose ability of perception sees through the veils of our world into the clarity and honesty that is our spiritual birthright. 


According to Andrew Collins an AK was a similar to the Lord of Missrule, his name had become rendered as Jack in such a mischievous mythical sprites as Jack Frost, Jack-in-the-Box, and Springhill Jack. He may have been in the equivalent of the Nordic guard Loki Loki was the trickster of the guards and an energy of him was born each year at the start of winter to stay off his unruly influence during the cold days ahead.

In ancient times, a fool or jester was burnt on a bonfire at the beginning of November in many parts of Britain. In 1605 after Guy Fawkes was arrested at attempting to blow up the houses parliament, the same tradition of lighting a fire at the autumnal time of year lived on. If AK could be similar to Loki, a wise fool that was believed to be beyond the influence of cause and effect.

A pilgrim on the road to Santiago de Compostela was called a ‘jack’. 

The name Jack features in folk tales and children’s stories as ‘everyman’, an ordinary man, perhaps an uneducated and perhaps unskilled man, we might immrdiately think of Jack Spratt, and Jack the Ripper. In days gone by, anyone with the name of John was likely to be nicknamed Jack. It was a name for a country bumpkin, as the Coventry, and the Townley Mystery Plays describe just an ordinary boy and girl, as Jack and Jill. Jack is sometimes a fool, such as the comedic character who goes up a hill to fetch water rather than down to the river. In fairy stories, he is sometimes a crafty, or aggressive opportunist, who, by guile and trickery, gets rich rewards without ethics. He can wed the King’s daughter by making her laugh with a stick that beats people upon a command, a bed with a lovely singing voice, and a fiddle that plays by itself. In Jack and the Beanstalk, he is sent by his widowed mother to sell a cow, and he returns with magic beans that grow so tall he can climb up to a giant house in the sky where rich ogres live. 
