Sunday 31 July 2022

Psychic Post Bag for August

Q: I’m recovering from a minor stroke and my clairvoyance has dimmed. Will it return as my health improves?

Wendy's reply: Any illness that affects our ability to think clearly will also affect our contact Spirit, so headaches, influenza, mental illness or strokes will be in this category. If we usually can easily deliver messages, we might find we are slower, have less depth or be more confused in delivering messages than usual. As we recover from the illness, our capacity for mediumship will return. This reduction only applies to illnesses that affect our brain. Our delivery can also be affected by tiredness, worry, alcohol and drugs and the best mediums have clear thought in their lives in general. If the illness affects our physical body only, our mediumship will not be affected by incapacity.   

Q: I am moving house, will the spirit who lives in it with me move too?

Wendy's reply: The answer depends on your relationship to the Spirit and why it is in the house and why it is letting you know it is there! Take control of this matter yourself. If you want it to move with you, speak to it and ask it to accompany you. If not, then you need to explain that you are

moving and wish the Spirit to stay where it is. 


Q: I attended a platform mediumship meeting and was told the medium ‘transfigured’. What is this?

Wendy's reply: When a medium is in a trance, their spirit guide can use their body to speak or write. When a medium transfigures, their guide changes the medium’s facial features, so they look like a different person. It is quite common. 


Q My cousin died and his close family say they can hear him moving around the house, slamming doors. If he is not at rest, what can be done? Jerry Slocolm, Warminster.

Wendy's replyIn very rare cases, a deceased person might become Earthbound, appearing as a ghostly form, moving objects or making noises. This can occur when they die unnaturally or at a time when they have unfinished business. Sometimes, they can be drawn to something that they loved in their life and cannot let go of, even in death. 


Q: There is a simple process called ‘spirit release’ that I would like you to try. In his home, light some candles, burn some incense and play soft, soothing music. You could ask the entire family to attend if you think they are interested. 

Wendy's reply: Call out his name and say “We are all gathered here to bring you release from this world. Can you see the light? Can you feel the peace as it draws nearer? All your friends and family who have gone on the Great Journey before you are waiting for you.” The last words are ‘'Be at rest now. You are safe in heaven. Goodbye”. Blow out the candles. This process takes his restless soul to the heavenly realms where his loved ones in Spirit await his presence. It is a helpful ending to what might have been a difficult life. 

Q: A lady experienced connecting with 'grandmother' spirits. She believes these may be a universal type of spirit. I was wondering, do you know anything about this? Are there universal grandmother spirits that look out for us? These particular spirits appeared in dreams and acted as a go-between with her and her brother who is in the spirit world.

Wendy's reply: here are many dimensions of the spirit realms. There are areas for those who have died to the physical world who are training to be spirit guides or healers, and they can work alone when trained or work in groups for specific purposes, as they do on the Earth plane. The ‘grandmother group’ choose to get together to concentrate on values associated with energy of elderly women, such as unconditional love, wisdom and traditional ways of wellbeing, trust, gentleness, relaxation, tranquility and compassion. Though there is no gender, race, colour or age in the spirit realms, spirits can choose how they wish to portray themselves. They usually do this so that we can recognise them and assess why they chose to help in this particular way, presumably because we need these special energies. By showing us the symbol of ‘grandmothers’, ie elderly ladies who have experience of children, they want us to register how powerful and loving they are. The advice would be to seek it out, wherever possible in music, books, places or a person who might have this energy.


Usually, there would be access between a young man in the spirit realms and the grandmother group also in the spirit realms. For some reason, there has been a separation, which might continue for a period of time, possibly there was some kind of transgression so the grandmothers are going through your client who wants the best for the brother and to provide help for him.


I would think that your client has opened herself to the power of the grandmothers and if she records her dreams in detail in a journal, she will grow closer to this group of caring motherly spirits.


Published in Spirit & Destiny Magazine. Written by Wendy Stokes


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