Saturday 28 October 2023

Meeting the Crow Tribe


Les is a trained healer and platform medium and has worked in the Essex/East London area for over 40 years with his partner Jacci (pronounced Jacky) who quietly supports him with her own healing and mediumship skills.

Les has had many tutors and mentors, but he also has worked closely with his own spirit guides to enhance the empathic and authentic spiritual life path that he walks. Over these many decades of working with Spirit, Les has been inspired and encouraged by his First Nation/Indigenous American spirit guides to work in new ways which provide relaxation, joy and upliftment and can be profoundly moving experiences for those who attend his workshops and meetings. One of his early mentors was the late Ernie Alexandra of Waltham Abbey, a recruiting medium who recruited Les and Jacci to his training circle. Edmonton was another early centre of gaining knowledge of spirit and spirit messages and he has worked at Cheshunt giving talks and at Manor Park.

Les has received many acknowledgements to endorse his individualised spiritual work and practice. His guides appear wearing jeans and a tee shirt and not in Native dress as on the spiritual planes, there is no division of time, culture or colour. They told him over twenty years ago, “we want you to learn shamanism”. His friends, Pete and Steph who had lived with the Dakota people were at a pow-wow, and gave him a gift of moccasins. He has always loved crows, and a crow flew onto his shoulder and didn’t fly away so he made a bird friend and took it home. The crow is a sacred bird that brings a special message against greed. They work between the worlds and are intelligent and wise mentors and message givers. On one occasion when Les was giving an address a six-inch feather fell from the roof into the church. On another occasion an eagle feather was given to him - a great accolade as the eagle is considered a master healer in its own right.

Les has had many successful experiences as a healer. Les used his eagle feather in shamanic last rites to brush a dying man in a Watford hospital bed with brain stem cancer. The next day, he was in a wheelchair with significant recovery. A young Mauritian woman required soul retrieval. Shortly after, her life improved significantly. She is now a life coach, the author of 4 books, and is married with 3 children. Les has been married for 53 years to Jacci who had an extraordinary healing when she awoke one day to find she was unable to use the left side of her body. A healer in Waltham Abbey, known as a recruiting medium, invited them into his circle. Within three months, she was totally well and passed her driving test. 

Les includes many animals in his healing, as they are power animals, spirit friends and wise guides. Birds especially are used in his spirit work. Les uses a Cherokee method of coloured hoops in his healing. They often move of their own accord with the energies raised. Les also uses rounded white stones found in a shallow stream in healing, used by the Lakota, and he finds them in the River Roding. 

Currently, he is providing monthly shamanic sessions at Woodford Spiritualist Church, a modern and flourishing community in a building of exceptional architecture. The sun shines in through roof windows, shedding sunlight in various angles. Often, 40 or more travel considerable distances to attend these exceptional meetings, and many of the regulars are mediums and healers. At its maximum, there were 94 people at these unusual sessions. Each meeting is different, depending on the season, who is present, and the spirits that accompany the group. Les’s skills and spirit guides work through and inspire him and he is often overshadowed by Spirit. Many people who attend are invited to take part in the healing and the other events, so the day is interactive and involving- though no-one needs to take part if they prefer not to.

At meetings, Les creates an altar on the floor in the middle of the room to serve as a focus. He opens the event with inviting spirits from the six directions to create sacred space which we all took part in. He works with the wisdom of the medicine wheel and the seasons. He often gives some spiritual teaching, that we all comprise of negative and positive elements, and by understanding both and having compassion, we walk the grey path of knowledge, wisdom and balance. We each have a power animal that we are born with. We can gain greater connection and relationship by working with spirit animals and plants enhancing our love of the natural world. The Indigenous cultures honour all life, taking only what is needed and giving back to the land without causing pollution or extinction. The tools he uses are incense, lavender, rue and other herbs, rounded stones that he finds in shallow rivers such as the Roding River and hoops used by the Cherokee.

Les uses the words ‘hollow bone; to describe his mediumship, which is a pure channel through which spirit come through us, not from us. Les is a vegetarian, and does not take illegal drugs unlike many who work in this field of indigenous cultures. His work is highly ethical and, over time, he has formulated a highly effective and personal style. He is a Celebrant, for handfastings, naming, funeral and other ceremonies, and has conducted Soul Retrieval work for which he received a four-year training.  Les believes in the ancient culture of not taking more than we need and giving back to the land for what it generously provides for us. 

The attendees sit in a circle and the meeting begins with calling in the directions and the spirits that will grace us with their presence. Les uses incense to cleanse the atmosphere and often goes around the group with a perfumed incense to refresh, relax and bless those who have travelled to be present for the meeting. Those who request healing are chosen for specific healing times and with several attenders to assist. Les sets the drum rhythm for each healing. At seasonal meetings, Les often provides an ‘entertainment’ that has special hidden meaning. For instance, in July, there was a fight between the Pawnee and Lakota tribes, a section of the room devoted to each tribe. It was high energy, and loud, for the moving of energy, and to highlight the gusto with which we can tackle our troubles.

There is always an active meditation. 

The next shamanic meeting at Woodford will be on 29th October. It will celebrate the beginning of the dark time of the year. Light festivities occur at this time, with pumpkins, dressing up, special foods, and Les is designing something special for that event.  

NB Though the word shaman is often used, Les prefers the term ‘medicine worker’ for this Native American healing and mediumship work.  

Information: Please Visit: Woodford Spiritualist Church website.

Wendy Stokes


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