Saturday 3 February 2024

Richard Wagner’s Parsifal

Knights are preparing a bath for King Amfortas who has an incurable wound. A mysterious woman, Kundry, brings medicine. She is a Messenger of the Grail. There is a prophecy that speaks of his healing by a caring fool. Gurnermanz is an old and wise knight who tells the story of the Grail, the cup that Jesus drank from and changed the wine into his blood at the Last Supper and the spear that pierced his body on the cross, and that these most precious relics were given to Titurel, who was Amfortas’s father whose knights guarded the relics. 

Klingsor was denied entry into the brotherhood and sought revenge by creating a magic garden full of alluring maidens who desired to entrap the knights. Amfortas intended to defeat him but was seduced by a woman who stabbed him with the spear. Suddenly a swan plunges to the ground, killed by an arrow. A young man enters the story who might be involved with the prophecy but he understands nothing. 

Titurel asks Amfortas to uncover the Grail - he refuses but the ceremony must continue. Gurnemanz is disappointed and angry and drives the young man away. Klingsor is a female necromancer and she summons Kundry who is under her spell. The youth enters the magic garden and the flower maidens try to seduce him. Kundry has been transformed into a young and beautiful woman and addresses the youth by his name, Parsifal. She tries to seduce him. As she kisses him, he feels compassion for Amfortas. She is healing him on a deep inner level. It was Kundry who brought down Amfortas, and Parsifal realises it will be his mission to save the brotherhood. Kundry tries to calm him, and when he rejects her, she curses him to wander the world in search of the Grail forever. Klingsor appears and hurls the Holy spear at Parsifal who catches it in midair. Klingsor’s realm vanishes. 

Gurnemanz is old and lives near the Grail Sanctuary. He meets Parsifal in the forest carrying the holy spear. Parsifal explains his years of wandering. Gurnemanz tells him that Amfortas has never uncovered the Grail, Tinturel has died and the brotherhood are suffering. Kundry is contrite and washes Parsifal’s feet and is proclaimed King. Bells ring out for Tinturel’s funeral and they go to the Grail Sanctuary. Amfortas is unable to perform the right and begs the knights to kill him and end his anguish. Suddenly Parsifal appears. He touches the wound of Amfortas with the spear and healing takes place. Uncovering the Grail, Amfortas takes the role of King and they give their homage. The Grail and the Spear are reunited and the community of brothers are together. 

Writer: Wendy Stokes

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