Oracle Card Reading - December
The first card I have chosen is from Nature's Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield with individual artworks by Josephine Wall. It is titled 'Expansion'. A human hand reaches out into nature and the hand of a flower reaches back. The scene is of natural beauty, a sunset, of mountains, animals and plants. The reading tells us that everything is evolving and going through cycles, rhythms and phases. This is a time of new beginnings, and of inner development. Environmental issues are especially important to our Spirit. Your rest and self care will be needed during times of integration and processing. Spiritual growth and maturity are the wisdom to seek.

The second card is from Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray with artworks by Lily Moses. I have chosen Spirit Fox with the subtitle: Trust Your Talents in Changing Times. Stay alert as change is in the air. The Red Fox is the author's favourite animal. It can live in urban environments or in the Arctic ice floes. It is resilient and intelligent but has been hunted for its beautiful fur. The fox helps you to overcome adversity of all kinds including unfair treatment. The experience of being threatened is one this animal knows well. Ask for the assistance of this power animal and you will be invited to come out of your den.

The third card is from Harmonious Tarot by Ernest Fitzpatrick with artworks by the Victorian Pre-Raphelite artist, Walter Crane. I have chosen card Zero, O, which is titled The Fool. The little white booklet in the pack provides hardly any information, so we must intuit its meaning. Here we see a young female dancing with a rope of white flowers and with a flower tiara in her hair. She is dressed in a flowing, gauze dress. I wonder if she is suitable attired! The crescent moon is hanging over the high mountain peaks. She is looking back to the dog at her heels. The dog might be warning her that any moment she could step over the cliff - but is the warning helping her I wonder! For you, today, the card means 'caution'. Look where you are going!
The last card is from Greek Mythology Oracle Cards by Alison Chester-Lambert with artworks by Richard Crookes. I have chosen the card of Orpheus with the subtitle Music. Orpheus was famed for the beautiful music he played on his golden lyre and he also had a wonderful singing and speaking voice. Music has the power to heal and console and provide solace to the most stricken heart. He encourages us to make music and to play an instrument. Here in this painting, he entertains the animals who come to him in peace and joy.
Oracle reading by Wendy Stokes:
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