Thursday, 25 July 2024

Trauma Bonding

What is trauma bonding? 

Dysfunctional behaviour as a result of mental instability or addictions such as alcohol, drugs or gambling can result in distress for both parties, and all parties within the relationship, whether family, friends or work colleagues, neighbours, health services and strangers. Those who have these traits, eg., unreliability, selfishness, negative thinking, blaming and not taking responsibility, manipulation, attention seeking, lying, demanding and/or aggressive behaviour have often had a childhood of confusing and destabiling messages from carers and take the confusion and chaos into their adult relationships. Addictions exacerbate these traits.

 Intimate partner violence. Where violence occurs within a love partnership, love and hate have been confused. There can be several reasons for deep seated anger, eg., testosterone, some prescribed and illegal drugs, psychopathy and narcissism, some describe damage to the frontal cortex of the brain as producing violent behaviour. Whatever is causing the aggression, whether name calling, accusations, throwing items, damaging items, kicking, punching, slapping or pushing, etcetera, this behaviour must not be condoned. Colluding with aggression is dangerous and should always be addressed by not allowing this to continue. 


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