Tuesday 19 October 2021

Psychic Development

A Mystical Masterclass in Psychic Development by Wendy Stokes
Everyone has psychic abilities of which there are many kinds. Whether you think the psychic world is a place from which Spirits communicates, or whether you think it is our Higher Self making contact, the ability to access guidance is possible especially when you cease to try!
There are three main types of abilities, described as psychic because they are outside the ‘normal’ range. There is no hierarchy.
Seeing a vision of the spirit world or a symbol is called clairvoyance (this means clear seeing and is sometimes called ‘second sight’)
Hearing words from the spirit world which is called, clairaudience (this means clear hearing)
Feeling sensation somewhere in the body related to contact from the spirit world is called clairsentience (this means clear feeling). Sometimes, this  ability can be akin to a ‘knowing’ on an intellectual level and is also referred to as claircognisance, that is clear knowledge or awareness.

Case Studies
Kelly has always been able to visualise. As a child she drew pictures and loved working with coloured paints, and always her dreams were colourful. She has always had a marvelous memory for what she can see, so she can memorise phone numbers and number plates just by a glance. She has a brilliant memory for faces too but is not so good with names. She works as a designer. She has a huge wardrobe of clothes, is neat and house proud and relates to what she can see. Kelly is clairvoyant, that is, she has the ability to visualise the Otherworld.
Lucy learned to speak at an early age, she read a great deal during her school years and had a childhood friend that she held long conversations with (but only Lucy could see her!) As an adult, she is articulate and often holds conversations in her head, speaking out loud sometimes and she works as a bid writer. Lucy’s predominant ability is clairaudience, that is, the ability to work with words, either spoken or written.
Chris was a sensitive child and was often feeling unwell. She is a nervous adult, always a little jittery in strange places, feeling her way through events in her life. She often feels a sensation of shivers up her spine and she uses terms like ‘I can feel it in my waters’, ‘it gives me the colly-wobbles’, and she easily feels headachy when under stress. She loves working with textures, such as in hairdressing and she teaches yoga. She finds it hard to describe just how she knows things, but she is confident in following her hunches. Chris is clairsentient, that is, she feels sensations in her body that are meaningful to her.  
I have, as my strongest ability, that of clairaudience, so it will not surprise readers that I am a counsellor and workshop facilitator, dealing with words as the principle area of my career. I am also claircognisant, that is, I often have a natural understanding or inner knowing about something, like an instinct that often pays off. In my early twenties, I trained at the Spiritual Association of Great Britain and have taken many courses at the Arthur Findlay College.
Actually, we are all a mixture of these abilities, but usually one or two predominate. It is worthwhile to find out what your main ability is, and how best to use it. When you are confident in knowing your best ability, then go on to work with the others, those less prominent abilities. It is difficult to train without a mentor but much can be learnt from books, magazines and the internet.     
Quiz: How do you recognise which is your prime psychic sense?
  1. Do you like to walk barefoot in the sand?
  2. Do you like artwork in your home?
  3. Is taking a bath or shower your favourite time of the day?
4. Do loud noises upset you and cause you stress?
5. Is image and fashion important to you?
6. Do you have a love of music?
7. Are you interested in reading or writing?
8. Do you like to dance or watch others dance?
9. Do you love beautiful scenery?
1.    You are clairsentient
2.    You are clairvoyant
3.    You are clairsentient
4.    You are clairaudient
5.    You are clairvoyant
6.    You are clairaudient
7.    You are clairaudient
8.    You are clairsentient
9.    You are clairvoyant
If you would like to develop your prime ability, the skill you most need is to focus your mind on one thing, and ignore distractions. Training takes place as a type of active meditation where you do not intentionally create the experience but allow it to happen and accept whatever you are given. You also must think positively about your current level of ability, the experience of increasing it – which should be pleasurable - and the desired outcome. It helps to have a reason to do this, such as to assist with your meditations or to become a better medium. Do you have a particular question you would like an answer to? If so, proceed with the instructions which follow.
It is always best to devote a special time of the day to your development. Early in the morning after getting up is a good time. You must make sure you are not disturbed by phone, doorbell, etc. Light a candle which is safely in a stable container. Light some incense if you like to use it. Use the affirmation: I have many abilities and I am making progress to develop them further. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths and allow your breathing to return to normal. Connect with the angelic beings, ascended masters, asking for their kind wisdom and their protection.

Select one ability from below. When you have worked through that one, go on to develop the others.
a.    Imagine you are sitting with a friend you know well. Look in detail at what she is wearing. What colours do you see? Is she wearing winter or summer clothing? Is she wearing a skirt, dress or trousers? Is she wearing a blouse, jumper, jacket or coat? When you have completed this exercise, phone your friend and find out if you were correct in what you saw her wearing.
b.    Visualise the face of a grandparent or family member in detail. Build their facial features, skin tone, mouth, nose and eye shape and colour. Add their hairline and hair colour and any distinguishing features, such as whether they wore a hat or liked a particular colour. You might also see their body shape. Are they sitting or standing (just accept what you are given). Do they have any mannerism, or something they are doing that is typical of them? Smile and say ‘hello, do you have a present for me?’ and use their name. Watch carefully, as they might show you an item, symbol, point or even just smile. Take this as a sign that they accept you as a seeker to develop your clairvoyant ability.
c.    You need to look into a mirror for this exercise. Place the candle between you and the mirror. Look with easy and relaxed gaze. It helps to almost close your eyes. You will notice around your head there is a soft glow. As you look further, you will be able to see the extent of the glow. Sometimes it might extend two inches from your head, sometimes six or eight inches. This is your aura. Clairvoyants are good at being able to see auras! 
a.    You are remembering a piece of music from a special occasion. It means a lot to you and you have a feeling of joy and connection and love. You can hear each instrument and if it has words, every word holds great meaning for you. While you relax and enjoy this, someone calls your name. They come close and whisper in your ear a message that you were hoping to have an answer to. You quickly ask them a question and listen intently, asking for greater clarity if you don’t hear clearly enough. Take this as a sign that you are developing your clairaudience ability.
b.    You remember a time when you felt stressed. You recall how upset you were, with anger, fear or grief and hear whatever was happening in your surroundings at that time. Now suddenly you hear the sweet melodic tune of birdsong, a robin or blackbird maybe, calling as loud as can be. As you listen intently, in the distance, you hear a reply song from its mate. The stress evaporates. Always you can use this method to dispel upset or distress. Use your clairaudient ability for self-healing.
c.    You are sitting or lying down exactly where you are now. You are deeply relaxed. With your inner ear, you hear your telephone gently ring. You pick up your phone and say ‘hello’. The voice on the phone gives a message to you that relates to a situation in your life where you needed some clarity. You chat for a while, hearing greater wisdom and understanding, ideas of working with your difficulty. When you think you have gained sufficient assistance, the call is ended by you when you are ready.   
a.    Ask a friend to place a personal object into a sealed envelope. Take it with you into your meditation time. As you are sitting and relaxing, pick up the envelope but don’t open it. Scan your body for any sensations. Do you feel different when you pick up the envelope? Place it down and pick it up again. What part of your body feels different? Is your breathing the same? Do you sit differently when you pick it up? Do you feel any tingling? Do you feel happy or sad? Make notes about your feelings and sensations. Speak with your friend and tell her what you felt. Is there a connection with what you were experiencing and the object in the sealed envelope?
b.    You remember a situation when you were upset and distressed. You feel your shoulders rise, your stomach muscles feel tight, your facial muscles are tensing. You imagine lying on a massage table receiving a wonderful gentle massage from hands that ease away the knots and tension from your body. You know this is doing you good. From here a pool is prepared for you which is the perfect temperature. The water is so buoyant, you can float without effort. This is a self-healing  exercise that you can use whenever you feel under stress.
c.    There are 7 main energy points within the body. These are called chakras. They are situated, one at the base of the spine, about four inches below the belly button, two inches above it, in the area of the heart, at the front of the neck, between the eyes and just above the head. By focusing on these areas, you balance and strengthen them. All you need to do is be aware of the energy within these areas, often linked to glands within the physical body, many sensations originate in these areas, and provide an early warning system about health and wellbeing.
Closing down after your meditation is important. Move your fingers and toes slowly, don’t just jump up. Take some deeper breaths, stretch and yawn. You are leaving the Otherworld and returning to the physical world. Pat your back and legs and arms to make sure you are back in your physical body. Before you blow out the candle, thank the angels and ascended masters for accompanying you on your development journey. Blow out the candle (and don’t forget the incense if you have used it).  

Masterclass published in Spirit & Destiny Magazine. Workshop facilitator: Wendy Stokes

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