Saturday 3 August 2024

Oracle reading Harvest

I have chosen at random, the number Seven from Numerology Guidance Cards by Michelle Buchanan is the first card and it is titled ‘Personal Growth’ and you are encouraged to have the highest standards possible, to be the best you can be as a person. It is time to ask yourself “Who am I?” “What do I want from my life?” “What prevents me from self development?” We sometimes need to acknowledge our limitations and work on our weaknesses. Now is the time to be determined to reach your full potential in all you do. Consciousness raising is on the cards for you and you can ask others to help you to reach higher levels of self awareness. Use the affirmation: As I improve myself, I improve the circumstances of my life and improve the lives of others around me.

Changing Woman – Goddess of the Corn from Goddess Inspiration Oracle by Kris Waldherr also tells us about our own transformation and that of the planet, to honour the earth and its nourishment and beauty. This goddess is one of the most powerful deities of the Navajo Holy People and her blessings of music and dance take place at major family celebrations. She is associated with corn and she symbolises the unique planet upon which we live. She appears as a young woman in spring, a mature woman in summer and she becomes a crone in the autumn and winter. Her words are: All of life’s seasons bring blessings. Appreciate them!

From The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray I have chosen the card of Ivy which can grow anywhere! It provides the ability to put you in touch with your own inner resources, and gives you the ability to see through the eyes of the soul beyond the everyday world. It’s colour is sky blue which you should wear at this time of year to remind you of clear vision which is so needed in everyday life. It is the card which represents the search for the self. As Theseus followed the thread out of the labyrinth, so the ivy takes you into your centre and out again. This soul searching and exploring is necessary as you cannot achieve spiritual depth, awareness or strength without it. It is the spiral dance that turns you outward, linking you to the group soul of the world (or collective unconscious) that pervades all life forms. You have your part to play in assisting the soul journey of others, as they also have a share in yours. Never seek to control, manipulate or trap others as this is the reverse energy of this card.  

From Barbara Walker Tarot, The Chariot where under a starry canopy, a crowned man rides a golden chariot bearing the glyph of Mercury. He has no reins to control his contrasting coloured horses so no way to take control of his fate. They seem to be wandering off in opposite directions which will cause havoc. He represents pride in life’s early successes and youthful complacency and images such as this were used by the ancients to remind a triumphant person that glory does not last forever. The ‘road of the chariot’ also means the road towards death. The card means transitory material success and achievement and is a warning against arrogance or rashness. Card reading by Wendy Stokes:

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