How everyone loves this dynamic colour which brightens the day. We can almost taste its tang and sweetness and it gives us energy to look upon it and to meditate. Reserve some time to sit comfortably and relax, clear your mind, this is your time to enjoy and savour this moment. Ask the angels who wear this colour to throw their robe upn you, encircling you in its vibrancy. It is life enhancing. It has a power that motivate and energise. Imagine you are floating in a lake of orange coloured water. The sun shining and adding brightness and light to the depth of its colour.
A morning treat: Carrot juice is just what we need at this time of year! This drink contains carrot with mango added and with a squeeze of lemon and lime, and a sprig of mint. This combination ensures you have a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for you good health at the same time as having a very pleasant drink to waken you. Do you always take your drinks iced? Try your drinks at room temperature. Cold drinks tend to reduce the taste buds ability to fully experience the taste, so drinking at room temperature enables the taste buds to receive the full flavours. Always use a glass, preferably a glass that pleases you. Never drink from plastic or polystyrene which are harmful for the environment.

This bright, luscious, green of new plant growth is a fresh and exhiliarating colour. After the greys, browns and blacks that have dominated the fashion world, this is an exciting colour. We do not allow the fashion world to dictate to us! We choose the colours that uplift our mood and enhance our life. What do we say when we choose this colour? The colour is that of new leaves, so that statement we make is about the importance of new life and health, of freshness and vitality.
Peridot is a high quality bright green crystal, known as ' the gem of the sun' and mined in ancient Egypt. It is thought Cleopatra's 'emeralds' were in fact peridot from an island in the Red Sea. It was a stone in Aaron's breastplate and may have been the foundation stone of the New Jerusalem. Found in the Book of Revelations, this is a magnificently powerful crystal with many magical powers. The stones are formed 20-55 miles within in the Earth and thrown to the surface by volcanic eruptions - out of the corse black lava comes a fabulous stone like fresh, juicy green grass. Sometimes, peridots are found in meteorites but these are as rare as hens’ teeth and are very highly prized! It is thought that many stones which have been labelled as ‘emeralds’ are, in fact, peridots, such as the stones in the treasures of the Three Magi in Cologne Cathedral. It is thought that the Emerald Tablet of the Greek God Hermes Trismegistus (also the Egyptian God Thoth) was a peridot and the stone that fell from Lucifer’s crown may have been a peridot, not an emerald as once thought.
Article by Wendy Stokes
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