Monday 31 January 2022

Q & A from postbag 2

Dear Wendy: I was very hurt recently when a friend who invited me to her party made comments about the way I dress, saying I looked like I have just walked out of a jumble-sale. She spends all her money on botox and the latest fashions while I am a family person, not interested in fripperies. My grandson almost died recently and I have felt very down. Should I say something? Laura from Swindon

Dear Laura: Superficial people are only interested in what something looks like, not the true value of something. Your lack of concern for perishables will only show up her petty self-centredness. I can tell you are a kind person and this is of far more value and importance than the clothes you wear. You could say something like: ‘I felt hurt when you said this to me because I can’t see that what I wear should matter to anyone. I have had a great deal of anxiety recently and found your comment an added distress. I feel as though caring for others is more important that fussing over myself.’ In this way you can own your feelings, explain why you felt so hurt, and avoid blaming her for her self-obsessions.  

Dear Wendy:I have heard that there is a list of the 100 most influential people in the world – in spiritual terms – can you tell me more about this please? Karl

Dear Karl:Watkins Bookshop in Cecil Court off London’s Charing Cross Road is our oldest esoteric bookstore. It publishes a magazine titled ‘The Watkins Review’ which features the world’s most popular authors in the mind, body and spirit other similar categories and now also features a ranking of the world’s most spiritually ‘influential’ people. 

Dear Wendy: I cannot understand why there is so much evil in our world. Did God create all this disease, suffering and hardship? Shirley, Norwich.

Dear Shirley: We live in a world where the elderly ox collapses and dies in the heat of the midday sun and the lion must ruthlessly kill the antelope to feed its young. We have natural calamities, tsunamis, volcanos, storms and harsh winters. This is the world that God made. However, God, whatever name you wish to give to him – or her – also made human beings with enough intelligence and ingenuity to relieve suffering wherever it is seen in this world. This is our true spiritual path, to be a witness to suffering - and to redress it at every opportunity. Evil occurs only when pain is not relieved, or worse, when it is caused unnecessarily, such as in crime and war.

Dear Wendy: Can you provide a reading for me please, Wendy? I’m on a gap year from college and will be doing voluntary work in Guatemala with a youth organisation. I am a 23 year old Gemini. Lenny from Manchester.

Dear Lenny:You will need your Gemini twin energy to provide more than you usually need in the way of compassion, practicality, versatility and enterprise. If this great journey of discovery can be mastered by anyone in your group, there is no-one better to undertake the challenge than yourself. Make sure you do your homework and learn first aid, some of the language, make sure you are reliable and clear about your helping role. Your flair for innovation and your willpower will help you get through what will sometimes be a tough time when you will need to draw on resources you never knew you had. Try to maintain your sense of humour. This is not the time for romance. Best wishes for an amazing journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Q: Can you explain to me about ‘scrying’? I had a dream and woke up thinking of this word. Sean

Dear Sean: The term is quite general for any form of divination that involves gazing into a shiny or polished surface, such as water, a mirror, but most especially a glass sphere, in order to receive ‘foresight or hidden knowledge’ from the spirit world.

Scrying has been used for many thousands of years and is one of the most ancient forms of divination. It was used in Egypt, Babylon, Greece and China. Any reflective surface was used, such as mirrors, lakes and black ink poured into the palm. Many modern scryers often use a glass globe or quartz globe, but you can scry effectively using water placed a bowl. Try the following method:

The scrying room should have reduced lighting with closed curtains, a shielded candle or soft lamp light.

If you have dreamed that you are scrying, spirits are already informing you of your ability to scry. Try the following method: Fill a glass bowl with water. Water is a blessed substance and has highly spiritual properties. It is a good conductor for psychic power. You can place some flower petals into the water if you choose or a few drops of olive or essential oil.

Sit with your back to the light source and look within the bowl and rest your eye focus. Take a moment to offer a prayer for guidance and wisdom. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Just stare comfortably and let your mind wander for a few minutes.

Return your thoughts to the water. Deep within the reflection you will see some movement and some images or associations will come to mind.
Dwell for a moment on these images and associations and compose a story around them. Your spiritual guides will inform, enlighten and guide the storyline to reveal information from the spirit realms.

The most famous scryer in history was the medium, Edward Kelley, who worked for the intellectual nobleman, Dr John Dee. Dee was advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. Several notable scrying artefacts are on display in the British Museum that belonged to Dee: an obsidian (black volcanic glass) mirror, known as the ‘Speculum’ which was originally brought to Europe after the conquest of Mexico by Cortez in the late 1520s and dedicated to the Aztec God of sorcery, Tezcatlipoca, whose name means ‘Smoking Mirror’; some small wax seals which supported the legs of the table upon which the scrying was carried out; a support known as the ‘Seal of God’ for the crystal known as the ‘Shew Stone’; and a crystal ball about 6 centimetres in diameter. Edward Kelley made contact with archangels (such as Raphael) and the Old Testament prophet, Enoch, for magic and sorcery.  

Though many like to use expensive instruments for scrying, always remember that natural stone is taken from the earth under huge duress, often with loss of habitat to species and injury (sometimes death) to very poor miners.

I suggest you purchase a glass ball and place it on a white cloth. Ask the angels for protection and request an answer to a question that is of importance to you and light a candle at dusk. Gaze into the globe with an open mind for about fifteen minutes. If any thoughts come into your mind, be aware of them but do not follow them.

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