Friday 4 August 2023

First Force Field Analysis

Hello! The light in me bows to the light in you! Here are some life tips taken from my old diaries!

Be specific with the following questions. Write the answers down and refer back to them after 1 month:

What one thing would add to/improve/enhance your life?

What are you prepared to do to achieve this?

Is it within your control to get it? What might be the obstacles or not within your control?

How could you sabotage yourself from getting it? 

Will others know you want it?  Will they know when you get it?

Is it in keeping with your standards, judgments and ethics?

Which beliefs empower you? Which disempower you?

What are you grateful for? What would you be grateful for if you had?

Describe a treasured moment.

What can you do to avoid pain and invite joy into your life? 

How can you be better at what you do well already?

How can you improve your happiness each day?

What do you do to contribute to the welfare of others?

What can you learn today that would improve your life?

Are there hidden pay offs (secondary gains) for not moving forward towards a better life?

If your current attitudes/behaviour are not working for you, why not change them?

Do you have addictive compensatory behaviour for not having what you want in your life? 

How do you disempower yourself on a daily basis?

Will you reward yourself when you get what you seek? 

How can you manage your current situation better?

What changes need to occur before getting what you want?

What thinking style and behaviour do you need to adopt to get this?

What do you need to do that you are not doing? What do you need to stop doing?

How would you like it to be a year from now?

What are the steps to get what you need/want?

List key issues affecting your well-being?

Is there a secondary gain for not having what you want?

Ask for a healing dream! Make friends with your shadow! Give yourself what you look for in others. Remember a time when you were really happy! Meditate on this! Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Respond to the present moment. Seek play and joy, admit mistakes and pledge not to make them again, explore depths, avoid parasites, be flexible, have high standards, aim high, don’t be afraid of failure. Keep intentions honest, always be fair, do good wherever you can. Keep emotions on an even keel. Avoid high minded and high handed attitudes. Keep relationships fresh, kind and thoughtful. Enjoy small things and simple pleasures. Don’t assume you know it all. Handle your frustrations well. Don’t allow others to push your buttons. Distinguish between your wants and needs. Practice self control. Postpone gratification. Consider consequences. Act responsibly. Do not be needy for attention. Avoid dramas. Have the courage to be yourself. Learn how to function well at all times, regardless of circumstances. Maintain your physical body, your mental capacity and stable emotions at all times. Don’t worry about being liked. 

What do you need to heal my inner pain?

What words describe your attitude to the opposite sex?

How would you describe your ambitions?

Which of these archetypes describes you? Rescuer. Lover. Teacher. Healer. Warrior. Victim. Child. Hero.

How do you disempower yourself? How do you empower yourself?

Do your needs and objectives conflict? 

What life lessons do you need to learn?

How can you improve you relationships?

What needs to change for you to improve your life?

What are you dissatisfied with?

How can your anger be less destructive? 

What changes do you need to make?

What are you insecure about?

What are your skills and abilities?

What are your life values? 

What uplifts and motivates you?

What is blocking you from leading the life you want?

What are you avoiding in life?

What is your life purpose?

What centres you?

Why were you born? 

What is your life legacy?

What would you like to be doing in 5 years from now? 10 years? What are you doing to make your wishes come true?

 To resolve conflict between two people, use the method: “What did you mean when you said “—-“.” I thought you meant “—-“.”

From Wendy Stokes


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