Tuesday 15 August 2023


The word ‘healing’ comes from the root word for hearth ‘HALE’ which means whole. To be whole, we avoid self deception, we engage with others with authenticity, kindness and understanding, empathy and goodwill. When we are disturbed or distressed this affects everything in our life - our work, health, relationships, et cetera. 

Know Thyself was written on the temple of Apollo 2500 years ago along with Everything in Moderation. Knowing yourself means knowing what you are doing to yourself and others. Freud stated that therapy could only replace ‘hysterical misery’ with ‘common unhappiness’.


Do you like being spontaneous and adventurous? how do you manage your boundaries? Who do you need to forgive? Do you have trust issues? How do you handle conflict? What type of relationship partner are you attracted to? Do you need to control obsessional thoughts? What helps you focus? Do you like your routine? How do you express yourself creatively and artistically? How do you make time to do things that make you happy? What helps you when you feel depressed or sad? How do you recover from feeling emotionally drained? What helps your restlessness? How can you calm down? Is there anything you need now? How do you handle stress and anxiety?  What helps you when you feel stuck? How can you learn to accept change? Is there anything you need or want right now? What personality traits help you become more resilient? How do you handle stress and anxiety? What do you need in order to heal your memories? What do you need to heal your physical body? What heals you? Who heals you? What sort of place do you need in order to deeply rest? What self-care techniques do you find most helpful? What pastime or hobby nurtures and satisfies you? 

By Wendy Stokes https://Wendystokes.co.uk  for Psychic World newspaper

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