Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The Gate of the Year

 I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year “Give me a light that I may tread faithfully into the unknown”, and he replied “Go out into the darkness and put your hands into the hand of God and that shall be to you better than a light, and safer than any known way”. 

May that hand of god guide and uphold you. By Minnie Hoskins 

Monday, 30 December 2024

Oracle for the New Year 2025

Four cards chosen for 2025. The first is from Influence of the Angels Tarot by Jody Boginski Barbessi and Karen Boginski. Here we have the Magician, number 1 of the Major Arcana. We see Michael whose name means 'to be like God'. He provides his courage, leadership and protection. He points heavenwards, with rays of light entering his body which he directs to the tools and chalk board table upon which he works and produces magic for our world through skills and intentions, focus, solving problems (not creating them), accomplishing goals. The message is: Pay attention to the difference between self confidence and overconfidence.  

New Year!

In our busy lives, we have forgotten many traditions honoured by our ancestors but the ‘New Age’ seeks to bring the past to light so it can be examined and updated and made current, applicable and useful for today’s world. The New Age honours all religions and none, taking the bare-bones of spirituality in order to campaign for more compassion, integrity and justice in our communities. Learning to value our personal experience and the development of our own understanding of people and situations is more important than doing what we are told by others. Growing in maturity and independence and the gaining of skills and abilities is what matters as we try to rediscover the wisdom of ancient times.

As we celebrated the ending of the old, and the beginning of the New Year, we probably sang a traditional song called ‘Auld Lang Syne’ (roughly this translates as ‘old long since’ or ‘long time ago’). In this song the question is posed whether we should forget old acquaintances and never bring them to mind at times of special celebration. However, by posing the question, we naturally remember and give thanks for beloved friends and mourn those who are unable to join in what has become a ritual way to start a new year. 

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Postbag

Dear Wendy, can you provide a Christmas meal prayer please, Jenny S.

Dear Jenny, this is my suggestion, change it as you would like to!

I call upon the Godhead of all names and none, as I give thanks to those who grew, transported, prepared, packaged and sold the food and prepared and cooked it for today. Especially I give thanks for any animals that were involved in food production. I ask that the food is blessed so I can eat with love and honour, and can enjoy every mouthful and pray that it will renew and revive my health with good quality nourishment. I give thanks for my life and remember those who have not survived to celebrate this day. I remember those without food, comfort and kindness as we celebrate Christ’s birthday, as he was the one who said ‘Do unto others as you would be done by’. Amen. 

Dear Wendy, can you explain the first verse of the carol of ‘Once in David’s Royal City’? Myra 

Xmas Poem

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan, Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;

Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, In the bleak midwinter, long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain; Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign. In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed for the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim, worship night and day, Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay; Enough for Him, whom angels fall before, The ox and ass and camel which adore.

Angels and archangels may have gathered there, Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;
But His mother only, in her maiden bliss, Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.

What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; Yet what I can I give Him? Give only my heart.

Monday, 23 December 2024

The Story of Jesus

From the earliest written gospels, we have the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. “Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us, our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. 
The name Jesus is a corruption of Yeshuah; in the Old Testament name, it is Joshua. 
Jesus spoke the language of the people, Aramaic, he also read in the synagogue, so he knew Hebrew, and when interrogated by Pilate, the Roman governor, he may have spoken to him in the Latin language. 
Herod Antipas thought that Jesus was John the Baptist who he had imprisoned on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea in the Machaerus fortress and his death was by beheading. Jesus was also, like John, a revolutionary spiritual teacher whom Herod also feared. It is likely that John and Jesus were of the true royal line, unlike the King (tetrach) Herod. We know a little about John, an ascetic who proclaimed the end of the world and who baptised all people without exception in the Jordan river in the name of forgiveness of sins. He also, like Jesus, had a miraculous birth and was a messiah in his own right. During his imprisonment, he asked if Jesus would step up to take his place, and Jesus accepted the role. We know far more about the life of Jesus, his birth, miracles, teaching, his disciples, his torture and death and resurrection. We know also that he fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures where the life of the messiah was foretold of a glorious king, a conqueror who would give sovereignty to the nation,  a suffering messiah, humble victim, whose destiny was sacrifice. 

Star of the Messiah

The Gospel of Matthew describes how astrologers travelled to Jerusalem where King Herod met them. They told Herod that they had followed a star that prophesied the birth of the rightful King of the Jews, and they came to worship this baby. Herod was concerned about his own position as he was just a puppet ruler, and he asked the wise men to return to him when they had found the child. He called his scribes to him for information. In the Book of Micah, it states the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, birthplace of King David. The wise men continued to follow the star which led them to Bethlehem. We are unsure of the exact date of the birth of Jesus but a bright conjunction, supernova or comet could have been ‘the Star of Bethlehem’.  

It might have been a conjunction (coming together) of two planets, one being Jupiter which is known to represent Kingship. (Jupiter is known as Sedeq to the Jews, a word which means righteousness - a title for the Messiah). Regulus might have been the other star - this name means, in Latin  'prince’, and in Arabic, it means 'the heart of the lion' because it appears in the constellation of Leo and also represents Kingship. These two stars appearing together would have been a meaningful sign to the star gazers of the Middle East (possibly Mesopotamia where astrologers were recognised since very ancient times). 

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Symbols of Christmas

Each Christmas, we remember a story that began 2000 years ago and involves a very poor young woman, perhaps only fourteen years of age. Her name is Miriam, and she is engaged to Joseph, of royal blood and descendant of the line of King David. But she is met by a man, as angels in the Bible are ordinary men! She becomes pregnant and could be stoned to death for fornicating outside marriage, but Joseph marries her and her life is saved. When she is in the final stages of this first pregnancy, and suffers the discomfort of a long donkey ride with her husband, to pay their taxes in the homeland of their ancestor, King David. But her story begins far earlier, as a descendant of the royal line, Miriam is a princess - but in a land oppressed by a foreign army and with a puppet king on the Jewish throne. The two together could create a power base to jeopardise the puppet king and raise an army against the Roman oppressors. It’s a dangerous and very specific situation as Judah was desperate for a messiah. 

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Away in a Manger

Mary and her husband Joseph were descendants of David, the first King of Israel, and they were both true heirs of that royal line. At the time of the birth of Jesus, Herod, a puppet king was seated upon the Judaic throne by the Roman oppressors. 

David was born in Bethlehem many hundreds of years previously. He was a a young shepherd boy, guarding flocks of sheep on the cold hillside. These were unblemished lambs that were slaughtered by the High Priest in the Temple of Jerusalem for the remission of sins. Mary's cousin, Elizabeth's husband, Zachariah, was that High Priest. They were too old to have children, yet, when an angel appeared and Elizabeth became pregnant, Zachariah was struck dumb for his unbelief in this miracle. 

Mother Mary’s Story

All saviour gods have virgin mothers! 

Mary and Joseph made a powerful team. Both of the royal line of David, the shepherd king, their first born son would have been a contender for the role of King of Judah. Like many female visionaries, Mary was around the time of her menarche when she became pregnant by an Angel. Angels at this time were not winged. They were always men and their meeting often resulted in a pregnancy. But this illegitimacy of Jesus may have caused him embarrassment. Joseph was not mentioned in the gospels after the childhood of Jesus. And what caused Jesus to be scathing and rude to his mother? She was a young mother, and maybe she was seduced and deceived  by one who presented himself as an ‘Angel’. It dashed his chances of a bid for the legitimate throne. 

Her correct name was Miriam and in legend, she was the daughter of Joachim and Anne. From the canonical gospels, we are told that Mary’s story begins when she was described as a virgin - a young girl before marriage. She would have been betrothed around the age of puberty and would have been living in an extended family in Galilee, such as the tribe of Ephrahim. She would have sat by the river bank, watching the water ripple as the breeze created waves. This Galilee sea is shaped like a harp - it’s a beautiful and romantic setting. Whilst engaged to be married to Joseph, the Angel Gabriel is said to have visited her and told her she would bear a son who would become the long prophesied messiah. Both she and her fiancé Joseph were of the royal line of Judah, and therefore their son would be the rightful royal heir. At that time, a ruthless puppet king, Herod the Great, sat on the throne who would do all he could to destroy the lives of Mary and Joseph.

The Angel Gabriel addressed Mary as a ‘most highly favoured lady’ and prophesied the life of the child  she was to bear. We have one of the longest verbatim texts in the New Testament to describe this meeting. These are Mary’s extraordinary words and they show Mary’s early mature spiritual ministry: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour: He has looked with favour on his lowly handmaiden. From this day all generations will call me blessed: The Almighty has done great things for me and ‘holy’ is his name. He has mercy on those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm and has scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty. He has come to the aid of his servant Israel, to remember his promise of mercy, the promise made to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children for ever."

Friday, 20 December 2024

How to make mulled wine

To make mulled wine, firstly choose a good red wine.

Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add lemon/orange peel and a little fruit juice. Crush cloves and crush fresh root ginger, add them with bay leaves, some powdered all spice, cinnamon and nutmeg, and some star anise. Heat the mixture - not boil - but lightly bubble for 5 minutes. Put the liquid mixture through a fine gauze filter.
Add brandy and honey to taste.
Serve in a heated cup.

Confession: I pour my finished mulled wine into my favourite tea pot (used exclusively for mulled wine). It is ideal when entertaining to have a special pot and special cup for mulled wine.

Shortbread, oatcakes and Fingers of homemade bread with a wedge of cheese are ideal serving suggestions.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Christmas Past

The ancients observed the sun, moon and stars. They lived by nature and knew when to plant and when to harvest, when to feed the beasts and when to kill and salt. They would place a post in the ground to measure the length of the shadow cast each day. At midsummer and midwinter, the sun appears to stand still for three days, hence the name 'solstice' from the Latin 'stetit', when the sun appears to ‘stand still’.

Carvings on Long Meg in Cumbria are aligned with the sunset at midwinter. In 4AD the church changed the calendar so the equinox provided a consistent date. The date for Christmas was not changed. Many ancient stone circles are aligned with the sun festivals, such as Stonehenge, and Mays Howe.   

The sun was thought by the Greeks to be hauled across the sky each day by Apollo in his chariot. Christmas falls on 25th December rather than on the winter solstice because in the time of Julius Caesar, the calendar was obviously out. As it was based on the ancient Egyptian calendar that was 3000 years old in Julius' day, he introduced in 45BC the Julian Calendar. 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Your Spiritual Journey

“The real story today is to define what it means to be spiritual. This is the biggest story - of the century.”  Bill Moyers

We are all brought up with some kind of spiritual understanding, but how many give this topic much thought? We accept what we are told and yet, it governs our lives, and is the most important aspect of our lives. We make outer journeys everyday, but the inner journey is the most vital!

Even those who practice a religion are often not considering their spiritual path. What could this path be? Mainly it is doing what is right and having empathy with others, but how do we know how best to walk this path of righteousness and wisdom?

Saturday, 14 December 2024

The Advent Moon - A Poem

“The Advent moon shines bright and clear; my soul waits -

These Advent nights are very long;

Our lamps have burned year after year,

And still their flame is strong.
‘Watchman, what of the night?’ we cry,
Heartsick with hope deferred:
‘No speaking signs are in the sky’,
Is still the watchman’s word.
One to another hear them speak,
The patient virgins wise:
Surely He is not far to seek,
All night we watch and rise.
The days are evil looking back,
The coming days are dim,
Yet count we not His promise slack,
But watch and wait for Him.
Weeping we hold him fast tonight,
We will not let Him go
Till daybreak smite our wearied sight,
And summer smite the snow:
Then figs shall bud, and dove with dove
Shall coo the livelong day;
Then He shall say ‘Arise, my love,
My fair one, come away!’
The Advent moon shines cold and clear.
We watch and wait.”

“The Advent Moon Shines Cold and Clear” by Christina Rossetti

Elegy - A Poem

                 The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,
         The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea,
The plowman homeward plods his weary way,
         And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

Now fades the glimm'ring landscape on the sight,
         And all the air a solemn stillness holds,
Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight,
         And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds;

Friday, 13 December 2024

Grandmother - Advice

 Advice from the Grandmother 

Cure yourself, with the light of the Sun and the rays of the Moon.
With the Sound of the river and the waterfall.
With the swaying of the Sea and the fluttering of birds.
Heal yourself, with the mint and mint leaves,
with neem and eucalyptus.
Sweeten yourself with lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.
Hug yourself with the cocoa bean and a touch of cinnamon.
Put Love in tea instead of sugar
And take it looking at the Stars
Heal yourself with the kisses that the wind gives you and the hugs of the rain.
Get strong with bare feet on the ground and with everything that is born from it.
Get smarter every day by listening to your intuition, looking at the world with the Eye of your forehead.
Jump, Dance, Sing, so that you live happier.
Heal yourself, with beautiful Love,
and always remember.. You are the Medicine. "

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Winter's Cloak - A Poem

Winter’s Cloak by Joyce Rupp

This year I do not want the dark to leave me. 
I need its wrap of silent stillness, 
its cloak of long lasting embrace. 
Too much light has pulled me away 
from the chamber of gestation. 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Wendy's Post Bag

Q: Dear Wendy: Do you have any recommendation about enlightenment? KC. 

Dear KC: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.

Before enlightenment, vacuum carpet, wash up dishes! After enlightenment, vacuum carpet, wash up dishes! 

Dear Wendy: Four months ago, I split up from my partner, a woman with two young children from a previous marriage. She now has someone else in her life and I find I am missing her two children. Over the ten months we were together and I bonded with them, but now she is adamant that I am out of her life and cannot see her children. I feel embarrassed to mention it to my family. I am less likely to get involved now with anyone with children. Is this fair? DD

Wendy replies: Dear DD: Every situation is different and it does seem unfair from your perspective. I am sorry that you are hurting and that you are now feeling guarded with your next relationship, should it be with someone who has children. You are obviously a deeply caring person and your love will be appreciated by someone looking for kindness and commitment. But the mother must give her children priority and they now have their mum, each other, and a new parental ‘significant other’. She has replaced you, which is painful in itself and he would probably not want you around. I think you are grieving for the loss of this family structure. This type of loss is very common but goes unrecognised by many people so it would be useful for you to contact a caring counsellor who will understand what you are going through. I suggest: Cruse Bereavement Care: 0300 031 7757



Who was Avicenna?
Ibn Sina, known as Avicenna was a Persian mystic, poet, doctor, philosopher (980-1037) living at a time known as the Islamic Golden Age and is called the Father of Medicine. His 450 written works have 250 that survive today. His was the first Encyclopaedia of Medicine. His work involved chemistry, mathmatics, ethics and related topics. 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

The Crystal Gazer - A Story

I wrote this "skit/parody" after a visit to Maxine Sanders at Clanricarde Gardens! I studied with her at a time when Alex was on the south coast. He passed while I was in her Moon Shadows group. For those who know Maxine, you might recognise her tutoring style!  

The psychic peered into her crystal and whispered "I see hardness about you. There is no true love of beauty... yes, dare I say it? There is death all around yoou and you do not see it... and loss, great loss... and here, at this time, you will meet with an angel.. an angel to guide you to your destiny. You must seek maturity and wisdom..." her voice became quiet, then inaudible. 

Friday, 6 December 2024

Biblical Mysteries Revealed

We know so much about the people in the Bible because their names give away so much about their life. In Biblical times, people were not expected to be individuals, but be exactly a replica of their father. Skills, knowledge and abilities were handed down the generations, daughters were like their mothers, boys like their fathers - but there were exceptions!

Because so many of the Aramaic names have been changed, we can easily lose sight of this simple information.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Oracle Card Reading - December

The first card I have chosen is from Nature's Whispers Oracle Cards by Angela Hartfield with individual artworks by Josephine Wall. It is titled 'Expansion'. A human hand reaches out into nature and the hand of a flower reaches back. The scene is of natural beauty, a sunset, of mountains, animals and plants. The reading tells us that everything is evolving and going through cycles, rhythms and phases. This is a time of new beginnings, and of inner development. Environmental issues are especially important to our Spirit. Your rest and self care will be needed during times of integration and processing. Spiritual growth and maturity are the wisdom to seek.

The second card is from Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray with artworks by Lily Moses. I have chosen Spirit Fox with the subtitle: Trust Your Talents in Changing Times. Stay alert as change is in the air. The Red Fox is the author's favourite animal. It can live in urban environments or in the Arctic ice floes. It is resilient and intelligent but has been hunted for its beautiful fur. The fox helps you to overcome adversity of all kinds including unfair treatment. The experience of being threatened is one this animal knows well. Ask for the assistance of this power animal and you will be invited to come out of your den.

The third card is from Harmonious Tarot by Ernest Fitzpatrick with artworks by the Victorian Pre-Raphelite artist, Walter Crane. I have chosen card Zero, O, which is titled The Fool. The little white booklet in the pack provides hardly any information, so we must intuit its meaning. Here we see a young female dancing with a rope of white flowers and with a flower tiara in her hair. She is dressed in a flowing, gauze dress. I wonder if she is suitable attired! The crescent moon is hanging over the high mountain peaks. She is looking back to the dog at her heels. The dog might be warning her that any moment she could step over the cliff - but is the warning helping her I wonder! For you, today, the card means 'caution'. Look where you are going!


The last card is from Greek Mythology Oracle Cards by Alison Chester-Lambert with artworks by Richard Crookes. I have chosen the card of Orpheus with the subtitle Music. Orpheus was famed for the beautiful music he played on his golden lyre and he also had a wonderful singing and speaking voice. Music has the power to heal and console and provide solace to the most stricken heart. He encourages us to make music and to play an instrument. Here in this painting, he entertains the animals who come to him in peace and joy.

Oracle reading by Wendy Stokes: https://WendyStokes.co.uk 

Monday, 2 December 2024

John Birch - An Interview

Amazonian Rain-forest activist from the UK, John Birch, has developed an interesting method of raising money for charity! One morning whilst visiting Westminster Cathedral in Central London, John sensed the spirit of Jesus surrounding the entire building. Later that day, he attended an Eckhart Tolle seminar and was inspired to become a facilitator of an Eckhart Tolle Local Silent Group in his area of Blackburn, Lancashire

Sunday, 1 December 2024

The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary! We do not know which ‘Mary’ this refers to, maybe the mother of Jesus or Mary Magdalene, but many give Mary Magdalene the credit. The Gospel of Mary is considered ‘apocryphal’ that is, it is not accepted by the established Roman Catholic Church. It consists of two small manuscripts from a much larger missing document, one in Greek from the third century, the other in a Coptic translation from the fourth. We have some sayings reputed to be from Jesus, and teaching about the nature of sin, evil and wrongdoing which relates to our physicality. 

John the Baptist’s Story

“Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand!” John the Baptist was a forerunner of Jesus, proclaiming  “Make straight his Paths,” “There is one who will come after me, whose sandals I am not fit to lace.”

We do not know very much about the teachings of the Baptist, but it would have included a vow of extreme poverty and humility. The character of the Baptist is thought to be modelled on Elijah who gave his cloak- a symbol for his responsibility - to Elisha upon his death. As Elisha succeeded Elijah so Jesus succeeded the Baptist who was of the Levite caste, of the line of Aaron and who served as Rabbis/High Priests. The rabbis took turns to attend the Jerusalem Temple, burning incense, sacrificing animals, tending the lamps, renewing shewbread, all pertaining to the 23rd chapter of Leviticus. John could have continued the privileged work of the high priest, but he chose to baptise pilgrims in the name of forgiveness in the Jordan. This was another type of priestly work, unrelated to the purchase and burning of animals, he was called a prophet not a priest.

Just as Abraham and Sarah bore a son in their elderly years, and Samson, the hero was born also of elderly parents, the Baptist was born of an angelic miracle. His elderly mother Elizabeth, a descendant of the high priest, Aaron, was too old to have the child she had always prayed for. Her husband, Zachariah was the High Priest of the Jerusalem Temple, of the eighth class, that of Abia. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Avalon Oracle of the Day!


"Look deeply into thine own eyes and allow yourself to fall into the beauty you see reflected". Who is the Lady of Shalott? She lives alone - downstream of Camelot - in a tower. She lives under the threat of a curse that she must never look out of her window but look only into her mirror where she sees life outside her tower reflected.

A lyrical ballad by the poet Alfred Tennyson is based on the medieval 'La Damigella di Scalot'. This lay tells the tragic story of Elaine of Astolat. She saw Sir Lancelot passing by the tower in her mirror and she couldn't resist looking out of her window. Then the mirror cracked! She decided to leave her lonely tower in pursuit of this beautiful knight. But she is rejected by him! The story tells us that she found a boat and climbed inside and sang mournfully as she sailed to her death! The curse was that she could never experience romantic love.

Friday, 22 November 2024


What is Gaslighting? The term originates with an old film, as gaslights, as a source of light, produced dark forms and spooky shadows. When people practice 'gaslighting', they become a catalyst for the mental illness of others. They are usually psychopaths and narcissists who have no conscience, they resent criticism and refuse accountability, and turn to mind bending for their personal gains and entertainments. 

How do they perform this extraordinary function? They enjoy power, influence, money, etc., which they develop through manipulation, control and false hoods. They introduce a new form of warped reality - theirs! Yours no longer has any validity according to them! They do not respond to reason, logic or kindness. They will tell you that you are mad, which you will be in your attempt to relate to them! 

Forecast Reading

From the Soulful Woman Oracle Cards by Shushann Mousessian and Gemma Summers, I have chosen:

Boundaries. “Boundaries are necessary and we all have them. They keep us safe and healthy, and without them, we are in danger. The reading states: "My boundaries are like energy doors that help me manage my life. At times, I have the doors open , inviting in blessings from others and my environment. At other times, I need to close them in order to replenish my energies, nourish my creativity, and defend my well-being. I feel good about having boundaries and for being able to say "No Thanks" because I know when I say "No" that I am expressing an important aspect of myself as a person. Having clear boundaries allows me to protect myself, nurture my intentions, and follow my true self. Boundaries are an essential part of self care. Affirmation - My clear boundaries allow me to protect myself, nurture my intentions and follow my true self."

9 of Cups

9 of Cups Dali Tarot by Johannes Fiebig, published by Konigs Furt: “Mature Talents. You have brought a uniqueness that will make the world a better place. Do not hide your talents. Be generous and show others the treasures you have to offer. You are a treasure. The key to the unfolding of your inner wealth is love. Love is not just an emotion. It relates to not just the correct measure of kindness in a relationship, but a way of encountering the world with love. The greater your love, the greater the benefits for yourself and others. Any material gains have no value unless they are fulfilled with the respect and the love you personally add to create a greater whole, bearing in mind the strengths and weaknesses, and advantages and disadvantages of yourself and others. Practical Advice: Stop internal dialogue, the nervous chattering of your internal voice. Find inner peace. Don’t parrot or imitate the ideas of others. You have talents that are blooming. Find a framework for your high-flying plans. Love your tasks and enjoy the excitement of work well done.”

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Introducing Erica Longdon

Introducing Erica Longdon - 

"A metaphysician is never off duty!" Erica Longdon

Erica Longdon is the author of the novel 'In Pursuit of Perfect Timing'. She is also a Multi-disciplinary Therapist, Healer and Metaphysician. She has kindly provided the presentations to many of my free YouTube meditations. 

In addition to the novel 'In Pursuit of Perfect Timing' her new book is a masterclass in sound healing, titled ‘Vibrational Sound Healing’. It is available for pre-order  including an option for Audible which Erica has narrated.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Lake Isle - A Poem

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats

I am sharing poems that I remember from my childhood...

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Healing & wellbeing with Tarot

Since the dawn of recorded history, healing has been considered a magical art. Healing was a secret  known by shamans, medicine women and men, priestesses and priests, and the wise people whose knowledge was handed down the generations. Many people went on pilgrimages and learnt about the plants that grew by the wayside, how to cure a fever, attend to cuts, blisters, etc., and how to care for the animals that accompanied them on their journey. We know from ancient texts that the Egyptians knew many remedies for illnesses. Originally Egypt was called the Land of Khem, because they knew how to create and use chemicals. To gain more knowledge about their use, the alchemists of the Middle Ages were prepared to risk their own lives. 

Today, we know a great deal about health care; we are told daily to cut salt, sugar and fat from our diet, take exercise, avoid over indulgence in alcohol, and long term stresses. Regular daily mindfulness and meditation are shown to provide increased concentration and greater relaxation. They can also help to deal with the difficulties that present themselves to us through bereavement, disappointments, poor health and relationship breakdowns. 

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Origin of divination cards

The origin of playing cards goes back more than a thousand years to ancient China. They were carried by traders and travellers, soldiers and pilgrims through Mongolia to the Middle East and then into Europe. Cards provided games of chance, skill and entertainment and they developed as they passed from one hand to another. The casting of lots with sticks, bones and dice was common throughout many cultures and cards became yet another way to give advice.

Playing cards with 4 suits and including court cards in each suit with the 10 pip cards, created a card deck of 52 cards. Some believe that the cards were used to represent the weeks of the year and the four weeks of the month or perhaps the seasons, so cards may have been an educational value. Playing cards came to Europe in late 1300s and by 1440 there is a letter from the Duke of Milan requesting several decks of playing cards for a game known as ‘triumph’ which was similar to bridge and included the playing card deck and 22 extra picture cards. Around 1530, in Italy, these cards were called ‘Tarocchi’ and in France ‘Tarot’. By 1781, they were used in England for divination. During the Victorian era in England, there was a revival of alternative spirituality and occult pastimes became popular. From that time to the present day, Tarot cards have been increasing in popularity; the market has grown and developed with new ideas and understanding for using the cards in sophisticated ways for fortune telling, personal development and meditation, and are now made in their thousands with creative focus far beyond the original images, such as animals, angels and fairies.

Kipper Cards

Kipper Cards were first seen in Munich around 1900 and named after their creator, Frau Susanne Kipper. However, some say that there is a river in Germany called the Wipper and that the people from this area invented the deck and some say the word comes from a type of tipping scales used for the devaluing of coinage! There are 36 cards with straightforward meanings, all read upright. Unlike Lenormand, they have no playing card images, just a number, title and image. Kipper also has main male and main female cards to represent the Querent and there are several images of people alongside titles, such as success in love, a gift, house, court, work, etc. Some Readers like to combine the Petit Lenormand of 36 cards with the 36 cards of the Kipper for a fuller deck of 72 cards.  

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Isis Hymn - Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Free Healing youtube video
Isis was the most powerful Goddess of Ancient Egypt. She was the Goddess of healing, compassion and equality. For thousands of years, she was known throughout Egypt and her fame spread to Greece, Rome and to Britain.
HYMN TO ISIS: Silver-footed One, come to me with quiet steps - in the temple of my heart, lift up Thy voice, and call my name that I may know Thee and rejoice in Thy presence. In my sadness, comfort me, in my happiness, share with me. At my birth, Thou wast there, at my death, wait for me. Most glorious of woman, most tender of mothers, I am Thy Handmaiden, bless me. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Holy Grail Part Three

A chivalric exponent wrote 3 books about the Chivilric code in the hope of reviving French knighthood. In the ‘Book of Chivilry’, keeping peace was paramount, and it says any knight who failed in his duties “deserves to have his teeth pulled out one by one”! 

Tournaments carried the oriflamme banner, the royal standard at the Battle of Poitiers where Geoffrey de Charny (1300-1356) died. 

What was dubbing? It was an accolade of knighthood. It involved giving a blow with the hand or a strike with the flat of the sword in church. The knight would confess his sins to the priest, take a bath and spent the night in vigil. 

Creating Your Oracle Deck

A proposal to a publisher needs to include what qualifies you to write the deck (your journey), and why you have chosen your illustrator and what media the illustrator works in. What is a typical purchaser or seeker for this deck. Describe them! Why did you chose the theme? In what way will the cards help with life’s problems, what type of guidance is described, what type of  direction or life path? Any omissions or gaps in the overall theme package or have you worked with it sufficiently to know it covers sufficiently the theme?. Upright only or upright and reversed meaning given. Backs of cards, mirror images on backs or not? How many images have been produced and how far along you are with writing the book. How many images still to produce? Most important in your proposal, is how you intend to promote the deck when published, eg., use it yourself for client readings, have a website, promote it on your YouTube channel, promote it on your blog, etc. For beginner or experienced reader? For self or others? Any other similar deck on the market? What is your USP? Do you have suggestion for packaging, such as a mat or bag? 

Cards: image, title, subtitle, white border? Astrology, Kabbalah, symbolism, metaphor, elements, numerology, etc.

The guidebook should include:

The importance of the theme and the benefits. How to use the cards? Blessed? Prepared? How stored? How shuffled? How laid out? Titles for Spreads. Sample reading for one or two spreads. Upright meanings only or reversed also? Alphabetical order? Title, subtitle, keywords, affirmation, symbolism meaning, divinatory guidance, channelled message. Additions could be ritual, exercise, creative activity. 

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Friday, 1 November 2024


According to Andrew Collins an AK was a similar to the Lord of Missrule, his name had become rendered as Jack in such a mischievous mythical sprites as Jack Frost, Jack-in-the-Box, and Springhill Jack. He may have been in the equivalent of the Nordic guard Loki Loki was the trickster of the guards and an energy of him was born each year at the start of winter to stay off his unruly influence during the cold days ahead.

In ancient times, a fool or jester was burnt on a bonfire at the beginning of November in many parts of Britain. In 1605 after Guy Fawkes was arrested at attempting to blow up the houses parliament, the same tradition of lighting a fire at the autumnal time of year lived on. If AK could be similar to Loki, a wise fool that was believed to be beyond the influence of cause and effect.

A pilgrim on the road to Santiago de Compostela was called a ‘jack’. 

The name Jack features in folk tales and children’s stories as ‘everyman’, an ordinary man, perhaps an uneducated and perhaps unskilled man, we might immrdiately think of Jack Spratt, and Jack the Ripper. In days gone by, anyone with the name of John was likely to be nicknamed Jack. It was a name for a country bumpkin, as the Coventry, and the Townley Mystery Plays describe just an ordinary boy and girl, as Jack and Jill. Jack is sometimes a fool, such as the comedic character who goes up a hill to fetch water rather than down to the river. In fairy stories, he is sometimes a crafty, or aggressive opportunist, who, by guile and trickery, gets rich rewards without ethics. He can wed the King’s daughter by making her laugh with a stick that beats people upon a command, a bed with a lovely singing voice, and a fiddle that plays by itself. In Jack and the Beanstalk, he is sent by his widowed mother to sell a cow, and he returns with magic beans that grow so tall he can climb up to a giant house in the sky where rich ogres live. 

Thursday, 31 October 2024

The Great Bell Chant

For peace, truth, justice, kindness, compassion, and all spiritual values

Perfume Part Three

In India, resins, woods, spices and fragrant flowers are used for ritual, medicine and personal adnornment. Many wonderful aromatics grow there, including frangipani, hibiscus, sandlewood, jasmin, patchouli, gum benzoin, vetiver, aloewood, pepper, cardoman and connamon, and the sellers from the main centre for perfumery, Ghazipore, near Benares, are called 'gandhika'. The art of distilling the essential oils was brought from Arabia by the Moghuls.  The Indian book of sacred love, the Kama Sutra, prescribed fragrant oils to enhance allure and sandlewood and musk was rubbed on the body as an aphrodisiac. Indian cashmere shawls were steeped in patchouli, a heady scent, which had the added effect of keeping out moths. Its shredded leaves preserved the cloth during the long voyage to the west. 

Haunted London

48 Doughty Street to 13 Portsmouth Street WC2: When he was 27 years old, Charles Dickens, moved into this imposing house in 1837 with his new wife, Catherine. They lived here for three years during which time his sister-in-law, Mary Hogarth died here. Mary was the inspiration for the character of Little Nell, who worked in the little 'odds and ends' shop in his tragic novel, The Old Curiosity Shop. The concerned ghost of Charles Dickens, wearing top hat and tails, has been seen rushing along this route.
University College Hospital Gower Street NW1: The first operation with the use of a general anaesthetic was performed at this hospital in 1846 when a leg was amputated in just thirty seconds. In 1890, a young nurse, Lizzie Church, attended the bedside of her lover who was a patient here. She accidentally administered an overdose of morphine and he died. It is said she committed suicide in remorse and her ghost is seen to this day by hospital staff when morphine is administered to patients.
Lincoln's Inn Fields off High Holborn WC2: This is the largest public square in London and was one of the major sites of public executions that were carried out in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In1586, Anthony Babington was hung, drawn and quartered for his part in a plot to remove Queen Elizabeth I from the throne of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots. His ghost roams the grounds.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Like Wake Vigil

In a communication to Wendy Stokes from Philip Lewcroft. October 7, 1999.

 "This is one of Yorkshire’s oldest songs, used by the poorer people for their funerals, especially those taking place on high points of the moors. This tradition is thought to go back to the Norsemen, or even further, to the Bronze Age. The tune is mentioned by the diarist John Aubrey in 1642. Its last recorded use for a funeral was at Kildale around 1800. The Lyke is the lych gate, where the coffin would wait for pallbearers to take it to the church for the service, the Wake (wake meaning vigil) was a dirge provided for the corpse on the night before burial. In recent years, the same name has been given to a pilgrimage ‘walk’ from Cleveland Hills to the coast at Ravenscar, 40 miles, which is undertaken by thousands annually, sometimes taking 24 hours)." 

Wendy Rule

Wendy Rule is an award winning Australian singer-songwriter. She has carved a special niche with her exceptional album compositions. 

A few track titles: Flowers, Thanatos, Dark Shadow, Above and Below, In Life is Death - In Death is Life, The Dark Earth Opened, The Curse, The Temple, All Is As It Must Be, The Ascent. 

Wendy Rule has been a practicing witch for the past twenty years and her music reflects the cycles of nature, tarot, astrology, and pagan/polytheistic beliefs. She tours extensively playing live at conferences and festivals.    
