Monday 16 May 2022

Workshops by Wendy Stokes

Wendy's articles regularly appear in Spirit and Destiny and her reviews appear in Psychic News  and other magazines and ezines. She has been awarded a City & Guilds 7303 certificate in course design and implementation and has taught in adult education institutes. Her workshops often include Powerpoint presentations. She is also a qualified counsellor (Central School for Counselling & Therapy 1999) who works intuitively. 
Some of Wendy's workshops are as follows:

Love Workshop - Agape!
Many seek their 'twin flame' life partner whilst ignoring the love all around them from people they meet everyday. How can we create more love in our life? How can we heal the hurts that prevent us from receiving love? How can we express and experience greater levels of love. Click link for information:

celebrate International Women's Day International Women’s Day - a day for women across the world to come together in caring and equality, to speak about our life experiences and to develop a greater understanding of ourselves and others, and to discover subtle energies. During the day, we enjoy relaxation, group activities, personal and spiritual development. The day includes methods to bring meaning, joy and transformation.

Creating your Vision Dream Board/Treasure Map/Creativity Collage
Exploring with the aid of meditations, affirmations and pictures, a powerful method to bring you closer to your chosen desires. Extra cost for materials.

Goddess Workshop
When we bring the energy of a particular goddess into our lives, this focus can create change in our priorities and abilities. Working with Brigid, Isis, Innana and other goddesses, we take part in creative ritual and gain perspective and maturity and a fuller awareness of the pattern of life. 

Bring Your Nightly Dreams for Interpretation
Wendy is a qualified counsellor with a special interest in dreams. She interpreted dreams for the Sunday Mirror's Personal Magazine throughout 1999 and has several celebrity clients. For many years, she has facilitated dream groups to explore spiritual meaning and personal development. For those who truly want to explore symbolism, metaphor and personal development. See extract on dreams on this link: 

Relaxation and Meditation
Time to relax! Active and passive meditation; relaxation, concentration and contemplation – are explained, their differences, and how each can be used in a powerful way to access insight and wisdom. If you want to access hidden inner wisdom, and link to Spirit, make time for silence.  

Angel Workshop
Discovering Angels as Messengers, Healing Angels, Angels of Light and Fallen Angels. Angels are still as popular today as in ancient times and just as powerful! We will bring angel energy into our workshop space, with a personal meeting with our 'Guardian Angel'.

How to Get Published Workshop
Many people want to write articles/blogs/or books to promote their speciality and do not know the best way to get published. Subjects covered: online ezines and print magazines; local, national and international markets; in-house articles, reviewing and freelancing; traditional/self/vanity book publishing; novels and non-fiction; how publishers and agents work; what length is the ideal length of a non-fiction or novel; etc. Wendy has been a writer for more than two decades and has been extensively published across all sectors. She will explain the entire process and will share contacts to help get your written work published.

Making Your Magical Spirit Stone
You decide what you want in your life: peace, love, healing, confidence, inspiration, protection, grounding, etc. A Magical Spirit Stone will attract the energy you need and can be placed in your 'bundle' as a good luck charm. You can also make a Magical Spirit Stone for a loved one, to bring good energies. Wendy brings the equipment, you bring your intentions!

Hand drumming. Wendy has a number of drums and you are welcome to bring your own musical instruments, your voice and creativity. 

Seasonal Ceremonies  such as at Spirit of Isis hosted a day workshop, working with crossing the River Styx to receive a channelled message from the Lady and Lord of the Underworld. Drumming is often included in Wendy's workshops.

Working with fabrics is an ancient women's pastime. Come and work with Wendy and her beautiful fabrics, beads and designs for pictures, T shirts, etc.

Divination Workshop
Wendy brings crystal balls, Gypsy Scrying Mirrors, gemstones, dowsing rods and pendulums, cards and other interesting and fascinating items to access spirit wisdom. Attenders are asked to bring a question for the Spirit of Divination and we will see if Spirit provides an answer.
Info on this link: 

International Women’s Day - a day for women across the world to come together in caring and equality, to speak about our life experiences and to develop a greater understanding of ourselves and others, and to discover subtle energies. During the day, we enjoy relaxation, group activities, personal and spiritual development. The day includes methods to bring meaning, joy and transformation.

'Starting A Lightworker Circle' was featured in Spirit & Destiny Magazine in October 2010. Wendy  is the author of 'The Lightworkers Circle Guide – A Workbook for Spiritual Groups' which includes  exercises and tutorials, good advice and cautions, all explained! 

Channelling Ascended Masters
Wendy has researched and written extensively on this subject and conducts regular Angel and Ascended Masters channelling workshops. If you would like to channel messages, this is the workshop for you.  


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